- Headaches similar to Cluster Headache = Unilateral Headache
- Unilateral trigeminal distribution symptoms with autonomic features
- Long duration
- Timing
- Paroxysmal
- Duration of 2-30 minutes, Recurs more than 5 times daily on >50% of days
- Continua
- constantly present for at least three months
- Remitting: Remission periods of >24 hours
- Unremitting: Daily and continuous Headache >1 year without remission periods >24 hours
- Associated symptoms (at least one of the following cluster-like autonomic findings)
- Conjunctival injection or Lacrimation
- Nasal congestion or Rhinorrhea
- Eyelid Edema
- Forehead and facial sweating
- Miosis or Ptosis
- Palliative measures
- Responds completely to Indomethacin – Indomethacin 150 to 225 in divided doses per day