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2021.2 KFP – public report

Case 1: Orthopedics/Rehabilitation

  • Subject Area: Shoulder injury prognosis and management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Clinical presentation factors affecting prognosis, non-pharmacological management strategies post-injury.
  • Candidate Performance: Responses lacked specificity; failure to add diagnostic value.
  • Improvement Areas: Focus on specific clinical indicators of prognosis and tailored non-pharmacological management strategies.

Case 2: Otorhinolaryngology/Dermatology

  • Subject Area: Nasal congestion management and skin lesion diagnosis.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Education on prescribed therapy use, additional pharmacological management, and skin lesion diagnosis.
  • Candidate Performance: Education not tailored to clinical case, irrelevant to key case features.
  • Improvement Areas: Provide specific, relevant therapy use education and accurate skin lesion diagnosis based on clinical presentation.

Case 3: Gastroenterology/Infectious Diseases

  • Subject Area: New-onset rectal discharge management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses for rectal discharge, immediate management actions.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of knowledge on sexually transmitted infections management.
  • Improvement Areas: Enhance understanding of sexually transmitted infections and their management, focusing on specificity.

Case 4: Cardiopulmonary

  • Subject Area: Elderly female with respiratory symptoms management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnosis, appropriate investigations, and non-pharmacological management strategies.
  • Candidate Performance: Inappropriate pharmacological management for a non-pharmacological question.
  • Improvement Areas: Develop non-pharmacological management strategies relevant to the clinical presentation.

Case 5: Dermatology

  • Subject Area: Skin lesion management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis and pharmacological management of skin changes.
  • Candidate Performance: Gaps in knowledge on diagnosis and management of dermatological conditions.
  • Improvement Areas: Improve dermatological diagnosis skills and pharmacological management knowledge.

Case 6: Vascular Medicine

  • Subject Area: Leg pain assessment and management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnoses for leg pain, non-pharmacological management, and management of worsening symptoms.
  • Candidate Performance: Failure to consider key features of the case in management decisions.
  • Improvement Areas: Focus on integrating clinical presentation with management plans, especially for evolving symptoms.

Case 7: Addiction Medicine

  • Subject Area: Alcohol consumption reduction in a truck driver.
  • Key Topics Discussed: History taking, education on pharmacological management, and handling licence condition contraventions.
  • Candidate Performance: Sub-optimal knowledge on managing common primary care presentations.
  • Improvement Areas: Enhance strategies for alcohol reduction and understand the medicolegal aspects of patient care.

Case 8: Psychiatry/Neurology

  • Subject Area: Agitation and muscular rigidity in schizophrenia.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnosis, immediate management, and initial investigations.
  • Candidate Performance: Non-evidence-based management suggestions.
  • Improvement Areas: Adhere to evidence-based guidelines for psychiatric emergencies.

Case 9: Pediatric Dermatology

  • Subject Area: Management of vaginal itch and rash in a child.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, pharmacological and non-pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of specificity in diagnoses and inappropriate management strategies.
  • Improvement Areas: Specific diagnostic approaches and relevant management strategies for pediatric dermatological conditions.

Case 10: Preventive Medicine

  • Subject Area: Health assessment and cancer screening.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Cancer screening recommendations, lifestyle change strategies.
  • Candidate Performance: Failure to align recommendations with current guidelines.
  • Improvement Areas: Knowledge of current cancer screening guidelines and effective lifestyle modification counseling.

Case 11: Pediatric Gastroenterology

  • Subject Area: Recurrent abdominal pain in a child.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, initial investigations, non-pharmacological advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Inappropriate focus on pharmacological interventions.
  • Improvement Areas: Emphasis on accurate diagnosis and non-pharmacological management strategies.

Case 12: Dermatology

  • Subject Area: New skin lesion evaluation.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Examination findings, investigations, skin cancer risk reduction.
  • Candidate Performance: General and non-specific responses.
  • Improvement Areas: Specific examination and investigation choices, evidence-based skin cancer prevention advice.

Case 13: Respiratory Medicine

  • Subject Area: Acute respiratory symptoms in an Aboriginal man.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, management plan considering patient reluctance for hospital transfer.
  • Candidate Performance: General responses, lacking urgency in management.
  • Improvement Areas: Tailored management considering patient’s cultural background and clinical urgency.

Case 14: Emergency Medicine

  • Subject Area: Acute presentation in emergency with multisystem symptoms.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnosis, immediate investigations, and management actions.
  • Candidate Performance: Inadequate management of clinical acuity.
  • Improvement Areas: Immediate and specific management actions for acute presentations, understanding clinical urgency.

Case 15: Endocrinology

  • Subject Area: Annual diabetes health assessment and family planning.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Examination findings, investigations, family planning advice.
  • Candidate Performance: General, non-specific advice not addressing patient concerns.
  • Improvement Areas: Tailored advice based on diabetes management and specific patient concerns about family planning.

Case 16: Geriatrics

  • Subject Area: Tiredness and back pain in an elderly male.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, appropriate investigations, handling inquiries from family.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of holistic approach and patient confidentiality considerations.
  • Improvement Areas: Comprehensive diagnostic approach, respecting patient confidentiality while engaging with family.

Case 17: Neurology

  • Subject Area: Neck pain and finger tingling.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnosis, specific examination findings.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of specificity in examination findings.
  • Improvement Areas: Detailed neurological examination and focused differential diagnosis.

Case 18: Geriatrics/Internal Medicine

  • Subject Area: Annual health assessment in an elderly male.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Further investigations, pharmacological management, dietary advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Poor consideration of pharmacological interactions.
  • Improvement Areas: Careful consideration of medication interactions and evidence-based dietary advice.

Case 19: Hepatology

  • Subject Area: Itchiness and jaundice management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, history taking, initial investigations.
  • Candidate Performance: Failure to recognize high-risk presentations.
  • Improvement Areas: Identify serious underlying conditions and prioritize investigations accordingly.

Case 20: Dermatology/Vascular Medicine

  • Subject Area: Non-healing leg ulcer management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Contributing factors to delayed healing, examination findings, initial investigations.
  • Candidate Performance: Non-specific examination findings and repetitive responses.
  • Improvement Areas: Focus on specific factors affecting wound healing, tailored examination and investigations.

Case 21: Pediatrics/Emergency Medicine

  • Subject Area: Fever and jerking in an infant.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Underlying cause identification, advice on symptom recurrence, immunisation advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Gaps in knowledge on immunisation program.
  • Improvement Areas: Updated knowledge on immunisation schedules and management of acute pediatric conditions.

Case 22: Neurology/Psychiatry

  • Subject Area: Tiredness and sensation of leg-crawling.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, patient risk factors, pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Vague, non-pharmacological responses for a pharmacological question.
  • Improvement Areas: Specific pharmacological treatment strategies and attention to patient risk factors.

Case 23: Psychiatry

  • Subject Area: Postpartum psychosis management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnosis, initial investigations, holistic management plan.
  • Candidate Performance: Inappropriate responses considering the clinic’s rural setting.
  • Improvement Areas: Tailored responses considering geographical location and urgent, holistic management of psychosis.

Case 24: Vascular Surgery

  • Subject Area: Acute foot pain and coolness.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnosis, appropriate investigations, immediate management.
  • Candidate Performance: Incorrect diagnoses and inappropriate initial management.
  • Improvement Areas: Accurate assessment of vascular emergencies and evidence-based immediate management strategies.

Case 25: Dermatology

  • Subject Area: Hair loss evaluation and management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, examination features, pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of comprehensive knowledge on hair loss management.
  • Improvement Areas: Detailed approach to diagnosing and managing hair loss, including evidence-based pharmacological treatments.

Case 26: Gynecology/Psychiatry

  • Subject Area: Management of a patient reporting sexual assault.
  • Key Topics Discussed: History taking for diagnosis determination, immediate holistic management considering the assault.
  • Candidate Performance: Overlooking provided case information and failing to consider the patient holistically.
  • Improvement Areas: Sensitive, comprehensive approach to history taking and immediate management in cases of sexual assault, considering both physical and psychological aspects.

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