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2022.1 KFP – public report

Case 1: Dermatology/Pediatrics

  • Subject Area: Pediatric dermatology in an Aboriginal child.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis and management of a new itchy rash, including non-pharmacological and pharmacological strategies.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of tailored educational responses relevant to the clinical presentation.
  • Improvement Areas: Provide specific, culturally sensitive education and management plans that consider the patient’s background and the clinical features of the case.

Case 2: Rheumatology

  • Subject Area: Back pain and stiffness evaluation.
  • Key Topics Discussed: History suggesting underlying diagnoses, appropriate investigations, and pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Responses lacked specificity and diagnostic value.
  • Improvement Areas: Focus on specific history elements indicative of underlying conditions, and tailor investigation and management plans accordingly.

Case 3: Infectious Diseases/Pediatrics

  • Subject Area: Fever and rash in an infant post-travel.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnosis for post-travel fever and rash, immediate management actions.
  • Candidate Performance: Inadequate knowledge on managing infective illnesses in children, particularly in a travel context.
  • Improvement Areas: Enhance understanding of pediatric infectious diseases, especially related to travel, and focus on relevant, immediate management strategies.

Case 4: Gynecology

  • Subject Area: Heavy vaginal bleeding in an adult female.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Risk factors for serious underlying disorders, appropriate investigations, and immediate management for re-presenting heavy bleeding.
  • Candidate Performance: Repetition of provided history instead of focusing on new, relevant information.
  • Improvement Areas: Prioritize investigation and management plans based on the evolving nature of symptoms, with a focus on urgent care for heavy bleeding.

Case 5: Pediatrics/Urology

  • Subject Area: Pediatric bedwetting in the context of parental separation.
  • Key Topics Discussed: History relevant to underlying diagnosis, non-pharmacological management, handling medical record requests by a non-present parent.
  • Candidate Performance: Repetitive history taking, lack of knowledge on medical record legislation.
  • Improvement Areas: Focus on holistic, non-pharmacological management strategies for bedwetting, and understand medicolegal aspects of patient care, including confidentiality and record release.

Case 6: Neurology

  • Subject Area: Headaches and fatigue management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Initial pharmacological management, appropriate investigations.
  • Candidate Performance: Overcoding by providing excessive responses.
  • Improvement Areas: Adhere to question requirements, focusing on concise, relevant pharmacological management and investigation plans.

Case 7: Pulmonology

  • Subject Area: Progressive shortness of breath management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Interpretation of spirometry findings, initial management strategies, diagnosis, and management of a new rash.
  • Candidate Performance: Confusion between pharmacological and non-pharmacological management actions.
  • Improvement Areas: Clearly differentiate between pharmacological and non-pharmacological management strategies, tailoring actions to spirometry results and clinical presentation.

Case 8: Dermatology

  • Subject Area: Management of an itchy rash following antibiotic therapy.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnosis post-antibiotic treatment, pharmacological management, complaint handling regarding previous care.
  • Candidate Performance: Misalignment with case presentation in differential diagnosis.
  • Improvement Areas: Provide accurate diagnosis and management based on clinical presentation and effectively address patient complaints with a focus on quality care.

Case 9: Dermatology/Oncology

  • Subject Area: Evaluation of a new mole and pregnancy management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Examination findings indicating serious underlying diagnosis, initial management, pharmacological management during pregnancy.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of specificity in examination findings and inappropriate management actions for pregnancy.
  • Improvement Areas: Focus on detailed examination and safe, appropriate management actions in the context of pregnancy.

Case 10: Dermatology

  • Subject Area: Itchy vulva and facial rash management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnosis for itchy vulva, pharmacological management, management of subsequent facial rash.
  • Candidate Performance: Insufficient knowledge on pharmacological management relevant to clinical presentation.
  • Improvement Areas: Enhance pharmacological management knowledge specific to dermatological conditions and ensure safe prescribing practices.

Case 11: Orthopedics/Radiology

  • Subject Area: Groin and knee pain evaluation.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Radiological feature identification on X-ray, non-pharmacological advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Non-congruence with evidence-based guidelines in non-pharmacological management advice.
  • Improvement Areas: Align non-pharmacological advice with current evidence-based guidelines and accurately interpret radiological findings.

Case 12: Neurology

  • Subject Area: Facial pain and headaches management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Pharmacological management options for initial symptoms, investigations, and management for persistent symptoms and rash.
  • Candidate Performance: Inadequate knowledge on specific dosages and pharmacological management.
  • Improvement Areas: Provide accurate, dosage-specific pharmacological management and tailor investigation plans to evolving symptoms.

Case 13: Emergency Medicine

  • Subject Area: Acute abdominal pain management in a rural emergency setting.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Initial investigations, immediate management, fitness to drive evaluation.
  • Candidate Performance: Inadequate management of clinical acuity and fitness to drive assessment.
  • Improvement Areas: Prioritize immediate management actions for acute presentations and apply criteria for assessing fitness to drive.

Case 14: Nutrition

  • Subject Area: Fatigue and tongue soreness from nutritional deficiency.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnosis, risk factors, initial investigations, and management.
  • Candidate Performance: General responses not tailored to specific clinical presentation.
  • Improvement Areas: Targeted management actions for nutritional deficiencies, focusing on dietary interventions and supplementation.

Case 15: Pulmonology

  • Subject Area: Worsening shortness of breath management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, management actions considering past medical history.
  • Candidate Performance: Narrow scope in differential diagnoses and management.
  • Improvement Areas: Broaden differential diagnoses and management plans to encompass comprehensive medical history.

Case 16: Disability Care

  • Subject Area: Management of weight loss, vomiting, and abdominal pain in a disabled patient.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, holistic care considerations, advice on disability support.
  • Candidate Performance: Failure to consider holistic patient care and broader social support needs.
  • Improvement Areas: Integrate medical management with broader social support systems, including disability support services.

Case 17: Rheumatology

  • Subject Area: Long-term widespread pain and fatigue management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Non-pharmacological and pharmacological management, prognosis factors.
  • Candidate Performance: Overlooking past medical history in pharmacological management.
  • Improvement Areas: Tailor management strategies to individual patient history, focusing on safe and effective pharmacological options.

Case 18: Geriatrics

  • Subject Area: Annual health assessment in an elderly male.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Interpretation of abnormal results, pharmacological actions, non-pharmacological advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Inadequate consideration of pharmacological interactions and contraindications.
  • Improvement Areas: Careful review of current medications, focusing on de-prescribing where appropriate and offering specific non-pharmacological advice.

Case 19: Pediatric/Indigenous Health

  • Subject Area: Fever and cough management in an Aboriginal infant.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, risk factor identification, management actions.
  • Candidate Performance: Failure to recognize high-risk presentations and relevant risk factors.
  • Improvement Areas: Apply knowledge of high-risk factors and evidence-based guidelines to manage serious conditions in Aboriginal health context.

Case 20: Geriatrics

  • Subject Area: Annual health assessment in an elderly female.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Causes of abnormal results, further investigations, immediate management.
  • Candidate Performance: Non-specific responses to abnormal results.
  • Improvement Areas: Directly address abnormal findings with appropriate investigations and management, tailored to the elderly patient’s context.

Case 21: Cardiology

  • Subject Area: Palpitations management in an elderly male.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Further investigations, pharmacological and non-pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Failure to integrate case features in management plans.
  • Improvement Areas: Utilize all relevant case information to inform a comprehensive management plan, encompassing both pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies.

Case 22: Psychiatry

  • Subject Area: Insomnia, fatigue, and low mood management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Pharmacological management for initial symptoms, recognition of diagnosis, non-pharmacological management for symptom progression.
  • Candidate Performance: Insufficient severity recognition and inappropriate management for symptom progression.
  • Improvement Areas: Acknowledge clinical severity and adapt management plans accordingly, with a focus on holistic care.

Case 23: Obstetrics/Immunology

  • Subject Area: Immunisation advice during pregnancy and postpartum vaginal discharge management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Immunisation in the context of previous reactions, differential diagnosis for postpartum discharge.
  • Candidate Performance: Gaps in immunisation program knowledge.
  • Improvement Areas: Update knowledge on national immunisation schedules and manage postpartum conditions with evidence-based approaches.

Case 24: Gastroenterology

  • Subject Area: Acute abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and fever management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, investigations, lifestyle advice post-recovery.
  • Candidate Performance: Incorrect diagnoses and inappropriate lifestyle advice.
  • Improvement Areas: Accurate diagnostic assessment, evidence-based investigation plans, and lifestyle advice reflective of current guidelines.

Case 25: Otolaryngology

  • Subject Area: Hearing loss and ear pain management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Pharmacological management for initial symptoms, diagnosis, and management for bilateral hearing loss.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of comprehensive management strategies for hearing loss.
  • Improvement Areas: Implement evidence-based pharmacological and non-pharmacological management strategies for hearing conditions.

Case 26: Occupational Health

  • Subject Area: Work health assessment in an adult female.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis based on health assessment results, further investigations, management of a painful red eye.
  • Candidate Performance: Inadequate knowledge on common workplace health assessments.
  • Improvement Areas: Apply knowledge of occupational health in diagnosis and management, including acute eye conditions.

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