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2022.2 KFP – public report

Case 1: Obstetrics/Gynecology

  • Subject Area: Management of breast redness in a breastfeeding woman.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of breast redness, breastfeeding advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of specificity in management strategies, inadequate knowledge about breastfeeding.
  • Improvement Areas: Provide targeted management advice for breast conditions in breastfeeding women, with specific breastfeeding support and education.

Case 2: Rheumatology/Geriatrics

  • Subject Area: New-onset pain and swelling in an elderly man.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis based on examination and X-ray findings, non-pharmacological management strategies.
  • Candidate Performance: Non-tailored management plans, overlooking key case features.
  • Improvement Areas: Focus on specific X-ray findings for diagnosis, and tailor non-pharmacological management to the elderly patient’s needs and clinical presentation.

Case 3: Gynecology

  • Subject Area: Management of heavy and painful periods.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Initial investigations, differential diagnosis, pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Insufficient knowledge on managing common gynecological conditions.
  • Improvement Areas: Enhance understanding of diagnostic and management strategies for menstrual disorders.

Case 4: Urology/Geriatrics

  • Subject Area: Increasing urinary frequency in an elderly man.
  • Key Topics Discussed: History taking to establish symptom severity, examination findings, pharmacological options.
  • Candidate Performance: Inappropriate gender-specific diagnoses, lack of targeted history and management.
  • Improvement Areas: Accurate history taking specific to urinary symptoms in men, and knowledge of appropriate pharmacological treatments.

Case 5: Endocrinology/Orthopedics

  • Subject Area: Postpartum fatigue and weight loss, wrist lump management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses for postpartum symptoms, initial investigations, management of wrist lump.
  • Candidate Performance: Gaps in managing dermatological presentations and postpartum conditions.
  • Improvement Areas: Broaden knowledge on postpartum health issues and dermatological conditions, focusing on evidence-based management strategies.

Case 6: Occupational Health

  • Subject Area: Analysis of routine workplace medical assessment results.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis based on past medical history and investigation results, further investigations, pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Failure to integrate case details into a coherent management plan.
  • Improvement Areas: Use of detailed medical history and investigation results to guide diagnosis, further investigation, and management planning.

Case 7: Pediatrics/Infectious Diseases

  • Subject Area: Fever and sore elbow in a child of Aboriginal descent.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, initial investigations, management advice considering rurality.
  • Candidate Performance: Insufficient breadth of knowledge for pediatric presentations in a rural context.
  • Improvement Areas: Tailored diagnostic and management strategies considering the child’s background and rural healthcare setting.

Case 8: Dermatology

  • Subject Area: Management of a skin lesion in an elderly man.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, management options, risks of treatments.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of understanding of treatment risks.
  • Improvement Areas: Knowledge of skin lesion treatments and their risks, ethical considerations in patient care.

Case 9: Psychiatry/Geriatrics

  • Subject Area: Behavioral change in an elderly man.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, initial investigations, pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Non-specific diagnoses and irrelevant management actions.
  • Improvement Areas: Specific and relevant management actions based on a comprehensive understanding of geriatric psychiatry.

Case 10: Reproductive Medicine

  • Subject Area: Management of recurrent miscarriage.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Underlying diagnoses, initial investigations, non-pharmacological advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of current guideline knowledge for managing recurrent miscarriages.
  • Improvement Areas: Updated knowledge on miscarriage management and incorporation of evidence-based non-pharmacological advice.

Case 11: Sleep Medicine

  • Subject Area: Difficulty sleeping in an adult woman.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, general and preventative health measures.
  • Candidate Performance: Insufficient knowledge on sleep disorders and relevant health measures.
  • Improvement Areas: Broad understanding of sleep disorders and tailored preventative health advice.

Case 12: Dermatology/Gynecology

  • Subject Area: Rash management on face and neck, vaginal discharge management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis and non-pharmacological management for rash, pharmacological options for vaginal discharge.
  • Candidate Performance: General management strategies lacking specificity.
  • Improvement Areas: Specific diagnostic and management strategies for dermatological and gynecological conditions.

Case 13: Dermatology

  • Subject Area: Bald patch management in an elderly man.
  • Key Topics Discussed: History taking, diagnosis, topical management.
  • Candidate Performance: General responses, inadequate management suggestions.
  • Improvement Areas: Tailored history taking and specific topical treatment options for dermatological conditions.

Case 14: Orthopedics

  • Subject Area: Shoulder pain management and employment concerns.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnoses, examination findings, management of fitness to work.
  • Candidate Performance: Incomplete clinical assessment, inadequate fitness to work management.
  • Improvement Areas: Comprehensive musculoskeletal examination and tailored advice on work fitness.

Case 15: Gastroenterology

  • Subject Area: Fluctuating abdominal pain management.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, pharmacological management, specific dietary advice.
  • Candidate Performance: General dietary advice not addressing specific presentation.
  • Improvement Areas: Specific, evidence-based dietary and pharmacological management tailored to the gastrointestinal condition.

Case 16: Cardiology/Preventive Medicine

  • Subject Area: Intermittent chest pain and bowel cancer risk reduction.
  • Key Topics Discussed: History indicative of sinister causes, non-pharmacological management for chest pain, bowel cancer prevention advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Holistic scenario interpretation lacking, insufficient preventive advice.
  • Improvement Areas: Comprehensive management of chest pain and evidence-based cancer prevention strategies.

Case 17: Internal Medicine

  • Subject Area: Investigation result interpretation in an adult woman.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Symptoms associated with abnormal results, further investigations, underlying causes.
  • Candidate Performance: Non-specific symptom identification and investigation planning.
  • Improvement Areas: Focus on specific symptoms indicative of underlying conditions and targeted investigation approach.

Case 18: Pulmonology

  • Subject Area: Management of cough and shortness of breath.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis from CT scan, further investigations, handling information requests from relatives.
  • Candidate Performance: Insufficient knowledge on pulmonary conditions and medicolegal aspects.
  • Improvement Areas: Accurate interpretation of pulmonary investigations and ethical management of information requests.

Case 19: Emergency Medicine

  • Subject Area: Acute chest pain management in a rural setting.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnosis, initial investigations, pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Failure to address high-risk presentations adequately.
  • Improvement Areas: Recognition and management of acute, high-risk conditions following current guidelines.

Case 20: Smoking Cessation

  • Subject Area: Assistance with quitting smoking, e-cigarette advice.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Pharmacological options for smoking cessation, advice on e-cigarettes, management of ptosis.
  • Candidate Performance: Non-specific management suggestions, repetitive answers.
  • Improvement Areas: Tailored smoking cessation strategies, evidence-based advice on e-cigarettes, and specific diagnosis for ptosis.

Case 21: Pediatrics/Orthopedics

  • Subject Area: Hip pain in a child refusing to walk.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnosis, further investigations, pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Adult-oriented diagnoses, lack of pediatric focus.
  • Improvement Areas: Pediatric-focused diagnostic and management strategies for hip pain.

Case 22: Respiratory Medicine/Immunology

  • Subject Area: Fever and cough management in an elderly woman.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnoses, initial pharmacological management, immunisation advice.
  • Candidate Performance: Gaps in immunisation program knowledge.
  • Improvement Areas: Update on immunisation schedules and management of respiratory infections in the elderly.

Case 23: Dermatology/Internal Medicine

  • Subject Area: Tiredness management and new skin lesion in an elderly woman.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Differential diagnosis for tiredness, risk factor analysis, skin lesion management.
  • Candidate Performance: Incorrect differential diagnoses, inappropriate management strategies.
  • Improvement Areas: Accurate diagnosis based on comprehensive history and evidence-based skin lesion management.

Case 24: Emergency Medicine

  • Subject Area: Management of hyperthermia in a remote setting.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Likely diagnosis, investigations, lifestyle advice for prevention.
  • Candidate Performance: Inadequate consideration of remote healthcare delivery challenges.
  • Improvement Areas: Tailor management and preventive advice to remote settings, considering local healthcare resources.

Case 25: Pediatrics/Respiratory Medicine

  • Subject Area: Fever and dry cough management in a child.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Diagnosis, immediate non-pharmacological and pharmacological management.
  • Candidate Performance: Lack of knowledge on managing acute conditions in children.
  • Improvement Areas: Specific management strategies for pediatric respiratory conditions, including acute and supportive care.

Case 26: Indigenous Health/Psychiatry

  • Subject Area: Health assessment in a correctional facility.
  • Key Topics Discussed: Predisposing factors and social determinants of incarceration, trauma-informed care principles, management of flashbacks.
  • Candidate Performance: Insufficient holistic and culturally appropriate care.
  • Improvement Areas: Integrate knowledge of social determinants of health, apply trauma-informed care principles, and provide culturally sensitive management for mental health symptoms.

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