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  • synonym: “endometriosis interna” (uterine wall may be diffusely involved) 
  • Epidemiology 
    • 15% of females >35 y/o; found in 20-40% of hysterectomy specimens 
    • mean age at presentation: 40-50 y/o (older age group than seen in endometriosis) 
    • adenomyosis is a common histologic finding in asymptomatic patients 
  • Clinical Features 
    • often asymptomatic 
    • heavy menstrual bleeding, secondary dysmenorrhea, pelvic discomfort 
    • dyspareunia, dyschezia 
    • uterus symmetrically bulky, usually <14 cm 
    • Halban’s sign: tender, softened uterus on premenstrual bimanual exam 
  • Investigations 
    • clinical diagnosis 
    • U/S or MRI can be helpful 
    • endometrial sampling to rule out other pathology 
  • Treatment 
    • medical
      • iron supplements for anemia 
      • analgesics, NSAIDs 
      • Mirena® IUS 
      • CHC, medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera®) – limited evidence for efficacy 
      • GnRH agonists (e.g. leuprolide (Lupron ®)) 
      • danazol 100-200 mg PO once daily (trial x 4 mo) 
    • surgical
      • definitive: hysterectomy – treatment of choice in women who have completed childbearing 

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