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Domain – Women’s health (guiding topics)

  • Through a comprehensive history, examination and appropriate investigations, diagnose and manage patients with:
    • amenorrhoea, irregular periods, dysmenorrhoea, heavy vaginal bleeding
    • vulval or vaginal itch
    • vulval or vaginal discharge, itch, pain, swelling, skin changes or lesions
    • abnormal vaginal bleeding: intermenstrual, postcoital, postmenopausal
    • pelvic pain, dyspareunia
    • dysuria, urinary frequency, urinary incontinence
    • pelvic organ prolapse
    • menopausal symptoms
    • breast symptoms
    • sexual dysfunction.
  • Assess a patient’s risk of:
    • cervical cancer
    • endometrial cancer
    • ovarian cancer
    • breast cancer.
  • Assess and manage:
    • congenital abnormalities of genitalia in children
    • disorders of menstruation:
      • dysfunctional uterine bleeding
      • premenstrual syndrome
      • premenstrual dysphoric disorder
      • primary amenorrhoea, secondary amenorrhoea
    • post-menopausal bleeding
    • disorders causing pelvic pain:
      • endometriosis
      • adhesions
      • chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
      • persistent pelvic pain
    • vulval or perineal conditions:
      • labial fusion
      • vulvovaginitis
      • vulvodynia
      • candidiasis
      • vulval cancer
      • genital herpes
      • genital warts
      • lichen sclerosis
      • Bartholin’s cyst
      • female genital cutting or circumcision
    • vaginal conditions:
      • imperforate hymen
      • bacterial vaginosis
      • vaginismus
      • fistula
      • neovaginal conditions in patients with gender re-alignment surgery
      • pelvic organ prolapse
      • complications from vaginal mesh repair
      • vaginal cancer
    • ovarian conditions:
      • polycystic ovary syndrome
      • ovarian cysts
      • ovarian cancer
      • premature ovarian insufficiency
    • uterine conditions:
      • uterine fibroids
      • adenomyosis
      • endometrial hyperplasia
      • endometrial cancer
      • uterine prolapse
    • cervical conditions:
      • cervical polyps
      • cervical ectropion
      • cervicitis
      • abnormal cervical cancer screening result
      • cervical cancer
    • breast conditions:
      • fibroadenoma
      • breast cyst
      • breast abscess
      • mastitis intertrigo
      • breast ductal ectasia
      • breast cancer
      • breast implant complications: leak, rupture, breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma
      • breast reduction
      • lymphoedema
    • nipple conditions:
      • candidiasis
      • supernumerary nipples
      • inverted nipple
      • cracked nipple
      • Paget’s disease
    • sexual dysfunction
      • female sexual interest/arousal disorder
      • female orgasmic disorder
      • genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder.
  • Assess and manage women’s health presentations and conditions in:
    • children – prepubescent
    • adolescents
    • premenopausal patients
    • perimenopausal patients
    • post-menopausal patients.
  • Perform:
    • pelvic examination
    • genital examination
    • speculum examination
    • specimen collection (high vaginal swabs, endocervical swabs)
    • cervical cancer screening (or discuss self-collection CST)
    • breast examination.
  • Provide health screening and understand when diagnostic investigation as opposed to screening is required.
  • Provide preventive healthcare.
  • Provide patient education about gynaecological symptoms and conditions and breast symptoms and conditions.
  • Understand health inequality and health inequity as it applies to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, culturally and linguistically diverse women, rural and remote women, and patients with sexual and gender diversity.
  • Safely prescribe non-hormonal pharmacotherapy and menopause hormone therapy using an evidence-based approach.
  • Safely prescribe contraception for gynaecological symptoms and conditions using an evidence-based approach.

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