
LuminalIntrinsic narrowingExtrinsic compression 

Large bolus Foreign body 

Inflammatory condition causing edema and swelling 
– Viral (herpes simplex, varicella-zoster, cytomegalovirus) 
– Bacterial 
– Fungal (candidal) 
– Mucocutaneous bullous diseases 
– Caustic, chemical, thermal injury 

Webs and rings 
Pharyngeal (Plummer-Vinson syndrome) 
Esophageal (congenital, inflammatory) 
Lower esophageal mucosal ring (Schatzki ring) 

Benign strictures 
Caustic and pill-induced 
Inflammatory (Crohn’s disease, candidal, mucocutaneous lesions) 
Postoperative, post-irradiation 

Malignant tumors 
Primary carcinoma 
– Squamous cell carcinoma
– Adenocarcinoma
– Lymphoma / Melanoma 
– Kaposi’s sarcoma 
Metastatic carcinoma 

Benign tumors 
Inflammatory fibroid polyp 
Epithelial papilloma

Cervical spondylitis 

Vertebral osteophytes 

Retropharyngeal abscess and masses 

Enlarged thyroid gland 

– Zenker diverticulum- above UES 🡪 due to disordered cricopharyngeal motor dysfunction
– Traction diverticulum- midpoint 🡪 Scarring from mediastinal lymphadenitis; motor dysfunction; congenital
– Epiphrenic diverticulum- above LES 🡪 Dyscoordination of peristalsis and LES relaxation.

Vascular compression 
– Aberrant right subclavian artery 
– Right-sided aorta 
– Left atrial enlargement 
– Aortic aneurysm 

Posterior mediastinal masses 
– Pancreatic tumo
– pancreatitis 
– Postvagotomy hematoma and fibrosis

Neuromuscular causes

Difficulty in initiating swallowing reflex Paralysis of the tongue 
Oropharyngeal anesthesia 
Lack of saliva (e.g., Sjögren’s syndrome) 
Lesions of sensory components of vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves 
Lesions of swallowing center
Disorders of pharyngeal and esophageal striated muscle Muscle weakness 

1- Lower motor neuron lesion (bulbar paralysis) 
—- Cerebrovascular accident 
—- Motor neuron disease 
—- Poliomyelitis, postpolio syndrome 
—- Polyneuritis 
—- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 
—- Familial dysautonomia 

2- Neuromuscular 
—- Myasthenia gravis 

3- Muscle disorders 
—- Polymyositis 
—- Dermatomyositis 
—- Myopathies (myotonic dystrophy, oculopharyngeal myopathy) 

Nonperistaltic contractions or impaired deglutitive inhibition 

1- Pharynx and upper esophagus 
—- Rabies 
—- Tetanus 
—- Extrapyramidal tract disease 
—- Upper motor neuron lesions (pseudobulbar paralysis) 

2- Upper esophageal sphincter (UES) 
—- Paralysis of suprahyoid muscles (causes same as paralysis of pharyngeal musculature) 
—- Cricopharyngeal achalasia
Disorders of esophageal smooth muscle Paralysis of esophageal body causing weak contractions 
– Scleroderma and related collagen-vascular diseases 
– Hollow visceral myopathy 
– Myotonic dystrophy 
– Metabolic neuromyopathy (amyloid, alcohol?, diabetes?) 
– Achalasia (classical) 

Nonperistaltic contractions or impaired deglutitive inhibition 

1- Esophageal body 
—- Diffuse esophageal spasm 
—- Achalasia (vigorous) 
—- Variants of diffuse esophageal spasm 

2- Lower esophageal sphincter 
—- Achalasia 
——– Primary 
——– Secondary 
——– Chagas’ disease 
——– Carcinoma 
——– Lymphoma 
——– Neuropathic intestinal pseudoobstruction syndrome 
——– Toxins and drugs 
—- Lower esophageal muscular (contractile) ring

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