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Emergency Cases – KFP public report review 2016-2024 topics in exam

Key Medical Topics in Emergency Medicine Cases

Acute Dental Infection

  1. Acute Dental Infection
    • Key Areas:
      • Diagnosing and managing an acute dental infection
      • Emergency management for airway security
    • Common Errors:
      • Avoiding contraindicated medications
      • Failing to prioritize airway management in emergency cases

Remote Healthcare Challenges

  1. Management of Hyperthermia in a Remote Setting
    • Key Topics:
      • Likely diagnosis
      • Investigations
      • Lifestyle advice for prevention
    • Common Errors:
      • Inadequate consideration of remote healthcare delivery challenges
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Tailor management and preventive advice to remote settings, considering local healthcare resources

Acute Multisystem Symptoms

  1. Acute Presentation in Emergency with Multisystem Symptoms
    • Key Topics:
      • Differential diagnosis
      • Immediate investigations
      • Management actions
    • Common Errors:
      • Inadequate management of clinical acuity
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Immediate and specific management actions for acute presentations, understanding clinical urgency

Electrolyte Imbalance

  1. Deranged Magnesium Levels in an Older Female
    • Key Topics:
      • Contributing factors
      • Management strategies
      • Further investigations
    • Common Errors:
      • Contributing factors provided were incongruent to the case
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Ensure contributing factors and management strategies are relevant to the specific case context

Animal Bite Management

  1. Management of an Infected Animal Bite
    • Key Topics:
      • Examination findings for animal bites
      • Management without hospital transfer
    • Common Errors:
      • Overlooking key examination findings and implications of delayed presentation
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Recognition of complications associated with animal bites and addressing rural healthcare delivery challenges

Severe Abdominal Pain

  1. Severe Abdominal Pain
    • Key Topics:
      • Differential diagnoses
      • Immediate management
      • Transfer protocols
    • Common Errors:
      • Lack of specificity in diagnosing and managing severe abdominal pain
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Clear identification of likely diagnoses based on clinical presentation and immediate management steps to stabilize the patient for transfer

Anaphylactic Shock in a Rural Setting

  1. Anaphylactic Shock in a Rural Setting
    • Key Topics:
      • Diagnosis and management of anaphylactic shock
      • Emergency medication dosages
    • Common Errors:
      • Misinterpretation of setting and urgency
      • Incorrect emergency medication management
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Strengthen emergency response strategies, including medication dosages and adjustments for remote settings

Emergency Medicine for Older Patients

  1. Emergency Medicine – Older Female with Collapse
    • Key Topics:
      • Differential diagnosis for collapse in an older patient
      • Initial investigations relevant to past medical history and medication use
    • Common Errors:
      • Difficulty in correlating medical history and current symptoms
      • Choosing broad or irrelevant initial investigations
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Develop a targeted approach to differential diagnosis in older patients, ensuring initial investigations are directly relevant to the most likely underlying causes

Severe Abdominal Pain in a Diabetic Patient

  1. Severe Abdominal Pain in a Diabetic Patient
    • Key Topics:
      • Differential diagnoses
      • Immediate management
      • Addressing chronic conditions
    • Common Errors:
      • Not recognizing the urgency of the patient’s presentation
      • Focusing on long-term management of alcohol use instead of immediate acute care needs
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Improve triage skills to recognize acute emergencies and provide specific, immediate management steps

Facial Trauma

  1. Facial Trauma
    • Key Topics:
      • Assessing and managing facial trauma
    • Common Errors:
      • Providing a specific diagnosis and targeted management steps for facial trauma
      • Avoiding broad or generic answers

Snake Bite

  1. Snake Bite
    • Key Topics:
      • First aid and management of a snake bite
    • Common Errors:
      • Specifying immediate and appropriate onsite management upon medical assessment
      • Monitoring for signs of envenomation

Penetrating Finger Injury

  1. Penetrating Finger Injury
    • Key Topics:
      • Immediate management and potential complications of a penetrating injury to the distal phalanx
    • Common Errors:
      • Specifying analgesia type and considering a broad range of complications, not just infections

Leaking Aortic Aneurysm

  1. Leaking Aortic Aneurysm
    • Key Topics:
      • Identification and management of a leaking aortic aneurysm
      • Differentiating from a ruptured aneurysm
    • Common Errors:
      • Specifying the urgency and details of the transfer to higher-level care

Forearm Fracture in a Child

  1. Forearm Fracture in a Child
    • Key Topics:
      • Severity of the fracture
      • Urgent orthopedic referral
      • Adequate analgesia and neurovascular assessments
    • Common Errors:
      • Underestimating the severity of the fracture
      • Overlooking the need for adequate analgesia and neurovascular assessments

Summary by Key Medical Topics:

Acute Dental Infection:

  1. Acute Dental Infection

Remote Healthcare Challenges:

  1. Management of Hyperthermia in a Remote Setting

Acute Multisystem Symptoms:

  1. Acute Presentation in Emergency with Multisystem Symptoms

Electrolyte Imbalance:

  1. Deranged Magnesium Levels in an Older Female

Animal Bite Management:

  1. Management of an Infected Animal Bite

Severe Abdominal Pain:

  1. Severe Abdominal Pain
  2. Severe Abdominal Pain in a Diabetic Patient

Anaphylactic Shock:

  1. Anaphylactic Shock in a Rural Setting

Emergency Medicine for Older Patients:

  1. Emergency Medicine – Older Female with Collapse

Facial Trauma:

  1. Facial Trauma

Snake Bite:

  1. Snake Bite

Penetrating Finger Injury:

  1. Penetrating Finger Injury

Leaking Aortic Aneurysm:

  1. Leaking Aortic Aneurysm

Forearm Fracture:

  1. Forearm Fracture in a Child

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