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Hematology Cases – KFP public report review 2016-2024 topics in exam

Hematology – Diagnostic and Management Approaches

1. Investigation of Raised Hemoglobin and Mean Cell Volume

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Differential diagnoses for hematologic abnormalities
    • Relevant examination findings
    • Further investigative steps
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Gaps in interpreting hematologic results
    • Difficulty connecting results with potential differential diagnoses
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Improve hematologic knowledge, specifically the implications of abnormal blood results
    • Tailor further investigations to these findings

2. Deterioration in Health with Hematological Signs

  • Key Topics:
    • Differential diagnoses for systemic symptoms
    • Management of gout secondary to hematological conditions
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Not recognizing signs of hematological malignancy
    • Inappropriate gout management
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Early recognition and management of hematological conditions and their complications

3. Chronic Hematological Condition

  • Topic Discussed:
    • New symptoms in a patient with a previously stable chronic hematological condition, requiring further investigation
  • Candidates Did Well On:
    • Identifying additional necessary information for diagnosis
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Recognizing the potential rapid progression of chronic conditions
    • Providing specific, targeted answers rather than vague or general responses

4. Macrocytic Anemia

  • Topic Discussed:
    • Investigation and management of macrocytic anemia with low B12 levels, indicating potential pernicious anemia
  • Candidates Did Well On:
    • Identifying possible underlying causes based on history
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Progressing with investigations to confirm pernicious anemia
    • Recognizing outdated tests like the Schilling test and avoiding inappropriate initial investigations

Hematology – Thrombosis and Vascular Conditions

1. Postpartum Thrombophlebitis

  • Key Topics:
    • Diagnosis of thrombophlebitis
    • Impact of medical history on management
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Misidentification of superficial thrombophlebitis
    • Inadequate use of case information
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Recognition of clinical signs
    • Tailored management considering past history

2. Upper-limb Venous Thromboembolism

  • Specifics:
    • Failure to specify the investigation site
    • Adaptation of initial management to the patient’s medication history, especially concerning anticoagulation
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Specify investigations clearly
    • Adjust management plans based on comprehensive patient history, including medication use and risk factors

3. Deep Venous Thrombosis in an Elderly Resident

  • Medical Heading: Geriatrics, Vascular Medicine
  • Key Topics:
    • Examination for DVT confirmation
    • Initial investigations
    • Urgent management considerations in an elderly patient with a complex medical history
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Some candidates failed to focus on specific examination and investigation for DVT
    • Offering generalized management plans
    • Urgent referral for anticoagulation management was often overlooked
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Prioritize urgent and specific management for suspected DVT, considering patient history
    • Tailor investigation requests explicitly and recognize the need for immediate specialist input

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