AcuteCoronarySyndrome,  CARDIOLOGY

Acute Coronary Syndrome – NSTEMI

Most pt’s will present with prolonged or recurrent central chest discomfort but others (elderly, DM, women) may present with atypical sx. Risk = DM & stress

Most pt’s with NSTEMI are normal on PE. An abnormal ECG, esp dynamic ST-segment deviation (≥0.5mm) or new T-wave inversion (≥2mm) will confirm the dx, but the ECG may be normal or show minor changes in up to 50% cases.

TIMI Score Calculation (1 point for each):

  • Age >= 65
  • Aspirin use in the last 7 days (patient experiences chest pain despite ASA use in past 7 days)
  • At least 2 angina episodes within the last 24hrs
  • ST changes of at least 0.5mm on admission EKG
  • Elevated serum cardiac biomarkers
  • Known Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) (coronary stenosis >= 50%)
  • At least 3 risk factors for CAD, such as:
    • Hypertension -> 140/90 or on antihypertensives
    • current cigarette smoker
    • low HDL cholesterol (< 40 mg/dL)
    • diabetes mellitus
    • Family history of premature CAD (CAD in male first-degree relative, or father less than 55, or female first-degree relative or mother less than 65).

Score Interpretation:

% risk at 14 days of: all-cause mortality, new or recurrent MI, or severe recurrent ischemia requiring urgent revascularization.

  • Score of 0-1 = 4.7% risk
  • Score of 2 = 8.3% risk
  • Score of 3 = 13.2% risk
  • Score of 4 = 19.9% risk
  • Score of 5 = 26.2% risk
  • Score of 6-7 = at least 40.9% risk

‘TIMI risk’ estimates mortality following acute coronary syndromes. TIMI risk can be calculated on the TIMI website under “Clinical Calculators.” [2]


  1. Aspirin 300mg  AND  Clopidogrel 600mg or Ticagrelor 90mg BD   
  1. Clexane: 1mg/kg BD or >75yr 0.75mg/kg (48-72hrs)
  1. If angiography scheduled: omit SC anticoagulation
  1. β- blocker – Metoprolol 25mg BD
  1. Ramipril 2.5mg daily
  1. Atorvastatin 80mg nocte 
  1. Early coronary angiography (within 48hrs) + revascularitsation

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