Scarlet Fever
Pathophysiology Epidemiology Symptoms Signs Labs Differential Diagnosis
Epidemiology Pathophysiology Causes Predisposing Factors Types of Impetigo Bullous Impetigo Non-Bullous Impetigo Primary Impetigo Secondary Impetigo Symptoms Signs Streptococcal Impetigo Staphylococcal Impetigo Complications Differential Diagnosis Common Uncommon Course Management Topical Therapy Systemic Agents Cephalexin (Keflex) Dicloxacillin Staphylococcus Suspected (especially MRSA) Prevention
Pitted Keratolysis
Pitted keratolysis, also known as keratolysis plantare sulcatum or ringed keratolysis. is a Superficial bacterial skin infection. Characterized by crater-like pits on the skin and often accompanied by a malodorous smell. Primarily affects pressure-bearing areas on the soles of the feet; rare occurrences on the palms. Prevalence and Risk Groups…
feet infections
Wearing boots for extended periods, especially in environments where the feet remain wet, warm, and confined, can lead to various infections and foot conditions. Here ar Trench foot