Tinea incognito

    Tinea incognito (often mislabeled as “tinea incognita”) is a fungal infection modified and exacerbated by the inappropriate use of topical steroids, leading to an altered clinical appearance. The clinical features may become masked with attenuated scale and erythema, as well as a less well-defined border The infection may also be…


    Superficial fungal infection diagnosis and treatments

    Tinea Type Risk Factors Treatment Complications Tinea Capitis (Scalp Ringworm) Young childrenpoor hygienecontact with infected petsharing combs/hats Oral antifungals (e.g., griseofulvinterbinafineitraconazole) Permanent hair loss, secondary bacterial infection, kerion formation Tinea Corporis (Body Ringworm) Contact with infected individuals or animalswarm and humid climatescompromised immunity Topical antifungals (e.g., clotrimazole, miconazole) for mild…


    Tinea Pedis

    Tinea pedis, commonly known as athlete’s foot, is a fungal infection of the foot caused by dermatophytes. Causes Risk Factors Clinical Features Diagnosis Differential Diagnoses Treatment Non-Pharmacological Pharmacological Topical Antifungals Oral Antifungals Prevention



    Onychomycosis, also known as tinea unguium, is a fungal infection of the nails. Accounts for over 50% of all nail diseases, with an estimated 5.5% prevalence. Toenails, fingernails, or both. Differential diagnosis of onychomycosis Differential diagnosis Clinical features Nail psoriasis Shares many common clinical and histopathological features with onychomycosisFingernails are…