Causes of Hypomagnesemia (RRID) Effects of Hypomagnesemia Therapeutic Indications Eclampsia Arrhythmias Post Myocardial Infarction Asthma/Bronchospasm SAH Management Replacement Preferred Magnesium Preparations
Psychogenic polydipsia
excessive thirst and compulsive water drinking. Signs and symptoms of psychogenic polydipsia include
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) Summary: Pathology 🡪 in increased water permeability of the renal distal tubule and collecting duct through aquaporin insertion. Underlying causes of SIADH Diagnosis of SIADH Investigations for underlying causes MaNAGEMENT
Differentials - Pseudohyponatraemia: - Hyperlipidaemia - Hyperglycaemia - Hyperproteinaemia - Fluid Overloaded – ECF increased: - CCF - Chronic liver disease - CKD/ nephrotic syndrome - Hepatorenal syndrome - Steroids - Euvolaemic – ECF normal: - Water intoxication - SIADH (multiple medications: - Malignancy (Small cell lung, pancreas, prostate, leukaemia, …
Hypokalaemia is defined as a serum potassium level of < 3.5 mmol/L. ECG changes generally do not manifest until there is a moderate degree of hypokalaemia (2.5-2.9 mmol/L). The earliest ECG manifestation of hypokalaemia is a decrease in T wave amplitude. ECG features of hypokalaemia (K < 2.7 mmol/L) With…
Causes: An easy way to remember the usual order of ECG changes seen is by following the ECG trace logically – effects begin on the T wave and move forwards to the P wave / PR interval, and subsequently to the QRS complex with QRS widening and conduction blocks. Classification…
is needed in many other enzymes as co-factor : ECF calcium concentration are maintained within a narrow range by feedback mechanisms that involve PTH and Vit D, which integrate signals btw the parathyroid glands, kidneys, intestines and bone. ↓ECF Ca2+ → ↑PTH secretion (1) PTH → ↑increased tubular reabsorption of…