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Adrenal Gland

the adrenal gland is made up of the outer cortex & inner medulla  arterial supply comes from the inferior mesenteric artery & renal arteries as…

Diabetes – Management

initial management Management plan – non pharmacological Quarterly Review:  Yearly Review:  The blood glucose profile Setting glycaemic targets The general target for glycaemic control is …

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes mellitus resulting from the consequences of insulin deficiency Diagnostic criteria PATHOGENESIS HISTORY EXAMINATION INVESTIGATIONS MANAGEMENT Resuscitate Acid-base…

Gestational Diabetes

Classification Diagnosis Screening: 2nd Trimester – 24-28 weeks gestation Screening : 1st Trimester if multiple RFs for early diagnosis: if Bariatric Surgery HbA1c vs GTT…


(Conn’s syndrome – both hyper-secretions are “C” diseases – cf. Cushing’s) Causes:  clinical features: Differentials for Hypertension with Hypokalemia Labs Factors affecting the aldosterone-to-renin ratio…


is needed in many other enzymes as co-factor :  ECF calcium concentration are maintained within a narrow range by feedback mechanisms that involve PTH and…


Physiology Causes of hyperprolactinaemia Examples Physiological (transient hyperprolactinaemia) – These increases are transient, and usually do not exceed twice the upper limit of normal reference…


Thyroid Hormone Regulation Functions of Thyroid Hormone Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism is characterized by an excessive concentration of thyroid hormones in tissues, caused by increased synthesis, excessive…


Insulin + sulphonylureas can cause symptomatic hypoglycaemia. Diabetic Emergencies Intervention Mild and moderate hypoglycaemia can be treated by following the ‘Rule of 15’’  (If BGL…


AETIOLOGY Clinical Features Appearance Puffy and pale faciesDry, brittle hairSparse eyebrowsDry, cool skinThickened and brittle nailsMyxoedema – fluid infiltration of tissues Energy and nutrient metabolism…

Parathyroid disease

Hyperparathyroidism three types of Hyperparathyroidism [CKD → impaired renal phosphate excretion → ↑ phosphate blood levels→  ↑ PTH secretion] [CKD → ↓ biosynthesis of active…

Pituitary disease

Pituitary adenoma – are the most common pituitary tumours– may be functional or non-functioning– defined as : microadenomas if <10 mm in maximum diameter macroadenomas if…

Thyroid disease in pregnancy 

AFP – Thyroid disease in the perinatal period  Etg therapeutic guidelines – thyroid disorders and pregnancy  Hypothyroidism Management Hyperthyroidism Management TSH Measurement Recommendations Iodine…

Thyroid storm

Precipitants of Thyroid Storm Pathophysiology Clinical Manifestations Organ System Symptoms Signs CNS Anxietyconfusiondelirium Hyperreflexiaseizurescoma psychosis, lethargy Cardiovascular Palpitationschest paindyspnoea Sinus tachycardiaatrial fibrillation on exertion widened…