Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD)
TMD encompasses a group of disorders affecting the masticatory system, including muscular conditions and those affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Prevalence Common Symptoms Anatomy TMJ Structure Musculature Innervation Aetiology General Factors Myofascial Disorders Intra-articular Causes Other Considerations Causes of Orofacial Pain Dental Conditions Otological Conditions Headache Disorders Neurogenic Conditions Inflammatory…
Ancillary investigations for adult neck massesintended to assist clinicians when malignancy is unlikely or when initial investigations do notyield a diagnosis. If these tests are undertaken, they should be based on clinical suspicion for specific diseases and should be obtained simultaneously to the malignancy work-up to prevent a delayed diagnosis. Ancillary…
divided into the broad categories of congenital, inflammatory/infective and neoplastic Paediatric cervical masses according to anatomical location Location Aetiology Congenital Inflammatory/infective Neoplastic Submental Thyroglossal cystDermoid cyst SialadenitisLymphadenitisReactive lymphadenopathy Malignant lymphadenopathyBenign connective tissue tumour Submandibular Vascular or lymphatic malformationBranchial cleft cyst SialadenitisLymphadenitisReactive lymphadenopathy Malignant lymphadenopathySalivary gland tumourBenign connective tissue tumour Carotid…
Pharyngeal Cancers
Painful Swallowing + Ear Pain + Hoarseness = Pharyngeal Cancer Risk Factors: smoking (tobacco, marijuana, cigars), UV lights, EtOH, Betel nut chewing, HPV, EBV Presenting Symptoms Nasopharynx Cancer more common in African and East Asian populations, ay cause paresis of soft palate and nasal regurgitation on swallowing Laryngeal Cancer: stridor
Hoarse Voice
General rule: consider referral in the following circumstances Causes: Primary Intralaryngeal Causes: Secondary Intralaryngeal Causes: Laryngeal Nerve Damage (left recurrent laryngeal nerve) Causes: Functional Hoarseness (no organic cause) Management Laryngitis Structural lesions Age-related voice change