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Amenorrhea, the absence of menstruation, can be The evaluation involves a comprehensive history, physical examination, pregnancy test, hormone testing, and pelvic imaging Primary: 1. Anomalies…

Breast cancer

Risk Factors Screening Clinical features Examination Investigations   Triple test Risk Factors Screening Risk Level Age Relatives Diagnosed Conditions What should be done? How often?…

Breast Lumps

Common % Mammary Dysplasia 32 Fibroadenoma 23 Cancer 22 Cysts 10 Breast abscess / periareolar inflammation 2 Less common – mammary duct ectasia, duct papilloma,…

Cervical Cancer

Risks Natural history of cervical dysplasia Presentation Management Cervical screening Refer immediately if Unsatisfactory Should have a co-test if Pregnancy Previous hysterectomy Self-collection Specific populations…


Possible Causes The most common causes of cervicitis include: Less common causes are: In individuals with a low risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), cervicitis…


Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP) Progestin Only Pill (minipill) Implanon-NXT Depot-Provera Intrauterine-devices Nuvaring Permanent Contraception Emergency-Contraception Range of options includes: Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP)…


  BPS/ interstitial cystitis IBS irritable bowel syndrome Pelvic floor dysfunction pudendal nerve entrapment Endometriosis Pain Pain worsens as bladder fills and improves after voiding…


Differential Diagnosis To reach the exact diagnosis of dyspareunia is a tricky one as it can be confused with other disorders of similar complaints. Several…

Endometrial Cancer

Postmenopausal Bleeding = Endometrial cancer until proven otherwise.   ABNORMAL VAGINAL BLEEDING IN PRE- AND PERI-MENOPAUSAL WOMEN VAGINAL BLEEDING IN POST-MENOPAUSAL WOMEN A diagnostic guide for…


DIfferentials – DIAPPERS Other conditions to consider include: Red Flags specific definitions for the terminology commonly used in clinical practice that relate to incontinence: Types…

Incontinence (short)

Workup Indications for specialist Treatment “feeling dry, being natural, not causing embarrassment, being easy and not resulting in dependence” Pharmacological Non-pharm continence management plan 

Infertility (female)

Etiology of Female Infertility Epidemiology Pathophysiology of Female Infertility Anovulation Type Explanation Result Common Causes/Symptoms Analogy Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadal Anovulation (e.g., Hypothalamic Amenorrhea) Insufficient GnRH from…


Pre-menopause: Peri-menopause:  Menopause Early menopause Stopping contraception at menopause Advice on stopping contraception for women aged 50 years and older according to method Method  Advice…

Ovarian Cancer

Adnexal mass DDx Risk Factors Protective factors Presentation Genitourinary symptoms (frequency, urgency, prolapse) Examination Screening Investigations Management

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled structures that may be simple or complex. They are commonly found incidentally during physical examination or imaging. Complications such as rupture,…

Pagets disease of the nipple

Symptoms  pagets eczema Erythematous, scaly, crusty, and thickened plaque-like lesionerythematous patch is sharply demarcated and deeply infiltrated, unlike eczematous dermatitis Unilateral, persistentItching or burning sensation.…

Vaginal thrush

Cause Symptoms Special considerations Diagnosis Treatment advice Principal treatment option Situation Recommended Alternative Uncomplicated Vaginal azole creams (e.g. clotrimazole 10% vaginal cream, 1 applicator intravaginally…

Vulval/vaginal disorders 

Cervical polyp Valval Dermatoses Vulval irritants Lichen sclerosis  Vaginal prolapse Atrophic vaginitis  Urethral caruncles Vulval candida Vulval Itch Vuvlodynia Bartholin cyst  Valval Dermatoses Vulval irritants…