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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder and is estimated to affect approximately 10% of children and 5% of adults. Males…

Adolescent Patient

Engaging with and Assessing the Adolescent Patient Key Points Background Adolescent Health Care Considerations Assessment Psychosocial Interview Examination Management Transition to Adult Services

Enuresis (bed wetting)

Enuresis Overview: types Epidemiology: Associated Conditions: Pathophysiology: History Much of the history should focus on voiding habits Examination Evaluation: Treatment/Management: Pharmacological Therapy  Desmopressin: MinirinTM melt/tablet DOSING:…

Tic Disorder

Sudden, non-rhythmic & repetitive movements and/or vocalisations >1 year  Persistent tick disorder – either motor or vocal Provisional < 1 year Often mimic some aspect…