Definition Hypospadias is a congenital condition affecting the penis where the urethral opening is not located at the tip but somewhere along the underside of the penis. Hypospadias is quite common, and is increasing. It occurs in about 1/250-1/300 boys. It is more common with IVF babies. With a family…
Jaundice – (neonatal)
Background Risk factors Maternal Neonatal Blood group ORhD negativeRed cell antibodiesGenetic: family history, East Asian, MediterreanDiabetesPrevious baby requiring phototherapy Feeding – breastfeeding, reducing intakeHaematoma, bruisingPolycythaemiaHaemolysisBowel obstructionInfectionPre-term, male Assessment History Examination Management Types and Causes Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia Type Causes Investigations Early Onset:( <24 hours) PATHOLOGICALAll should have:FBESBRCoombs Sepsis Please…
literally meaning ‘oblique head’. Deformational plagiocephaly, also known as ‘positional plagiocephaly’, refers to a misshapen (asymmetrical) head shape. Craniosynostosis
Newborn examination
General Assess Growth Head to Toe Exam Scalp lesions/swelling/bruising/ lacerations If this is not corrected early it can lead to blindness. Proper coordination of eye movements should be achieved by 3-6 months; persistent eye deviation requires evaluation. Isolated abnormalities The following anomalies are usually of no concern when isolated (3…
Neonatal Rashes
Erythema toxicum Milia neonatal pustular melanosis Acropustulosis of infancy
Signs and symptoms of Neonates
Unwell – Vital signs Heart rate (bradycardia <110 beats/minute and tachycardia >170 beats/minute) Temperature (fever >38°C; hypothermia <36.5°C) can be the first indicator of a serious invasive infective illness Rectal temperature most accurate hypothermia <36.5 can also be a sign of sepsis, as neonates have difficulty regulating temperatures The health…
Neonatal assessment
Neonate = first 28 days of life post-term Discuss and advise Promote immunisation Vitamin K Universal hearing screen Newborne Baby care Hygiene Bathing Eye and mouth care Umbilical cord care Nappy changing including skin care Feeding Feeding cues and behaviour Promote and support breastfeeding Refer to Queensland Clinical Guideline:…