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Domain – Doctors’ health (Guiding topics)

General doctors’ health issues and care of other doctors
  • Understand the barriers that doctors may face in accessing healthcare.
  • Know what professional and personal support resources are available for doctors.
  • Approach boundary issues supportively and sensitively in consultations with other doctors.
  • Use appropriate communication strategies and structure consultations to provide supportive and sensitive consultations with doctor-patients.
  • Identify through history and examination/observation common psychological issues doctors face; for example stress, burnout, addiction, bullying and interpersonal relationship difficulties.
  • Recognise behaviours that may suggest a colleague is in difficulty.
  • Support colleagues in difficulty; including those who have had complaints made against them.
  • Understand the factors that impact on wellbeing and underpin burnout; such as health system pressures, medical culture, practice ownership and employment structures.
  • Understand the potential for bullying within the medical culture and strategies to ensure practice colleagues, junior staff, nursing staff and administrative colleagues feel safe in their working environment.
  • Understand legal responsibilities in reporting doctors to AHPRA.
  • Develop a self-care plan that includes:
    • strategies to maintain own physical and mental health; including finding own GP for independent medical advice and preventive care
    • how to maintain appropriate boundaries whilst maintaining family’s health and wellbeing
    • finding and maintaining personal and professional supports to minimise stress and avoid burnout
    • how to deal with a crisis should it arise tomorrow
    • developing and maintaining interests and activities outside of work life.

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