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  • Nipple discharge may be:
  • spontaneous (fluid is secreted from the nipple without squeezing of the nipple or pressure on the breast)
  • on expression (fluid is secreted from the nipple only when it is squeezed or there is pressure on the breast).
  • History
    • SSx of hyperprolactinemia.
      • Recent onset of amenorrhea
      • symptoms of hypogonadism (hot flashes,vaginal dryness) 
    • discharge is
      • spontaneous or induced
      • unilateral or bilateral
      • characteristics of the discharged fluid
        • fluid colour (clear, yellow, milky, green, brown, bloodstained)
        • volume
        • the frequency
    • patient is stimulating his or her nipple to examine for discharge
      • regular self-examination for discharge can produce ongoing, even spontaneous, discharge.
      • Regular self-examination or other forms of breast stimulation can repress the secretion of hypothalamic prolactin inhibitory factor,
  • Physiological nipple discharge
    • Fluid can be obtained from the nipples of 50–70% of asymptomatic women when massage or breast pumps are used.
    • This discharge of fluid from a normal breast is referred to as ‘physiological discharge’.
    • It is usually yellow, milky, or green in appearance
    • does not occur spontaneously
    • can be seen originating from multiple ducts. 
    • can be noted after breast compression for mammography.
    • Milky nipple discharge (either spontaneous or on expression) is also physiological during pregnancy and lactation, and may be prolonged following lactation.
  • Abnormal nipple discharge
    • Nipple discharge that is spontaneous and unrelated to pregnancy or lactation is considered abnormal. 
    • In the majority of cases it has a benign cause. 
    • Spontaneous discharge caused by significant pathology is more likely to be unilateral, localised to a single duct, and crystal clear or blood stained in appearance 
    • Causes
      • Duct ectasia – a benign condition with dilatation and inflammation of the ducts under the nipple, usually causes a bilateral yellow, green, or brown discharge from multiple ducts
      • Duct papilloma – typically causes a clear or bloodstained discharge. Papillomas are usually benign but may rarely be associated with breast cancer and therefore are always surgically removed
      • Nipple eczema – eczema or dermatitis affecting the skin of the nipple, particularly if infected, can cause a weeping, crusty, nipple discharge
      • Breast cancer – breast cancer is an uncommon cause of nipple discharge. Only about 3% of women with breast cancer have nipple discharge, and most of these have other symptoms such as a lump or newly inverted nipple in addition to the discharge. Cancer that causes nipple discharge is more likely to be in situ than invasive cancer
      • Paget disease – a particular clinical presentation of breast cancer causing a blood stained nipple discharge with ulceration and erosion of the nipple
      • Hyperprolactinaemia – high prolactin levels may cause galactorrhoea. Aetiology includes endocrine causes, eg. pituitary and thyroid disease; and drug causes, eg. Oral contraceptives, hormone therapy, antiemetics, antipsychotics, cocaine, and stimulants
  • Investigations
    • serum prolactin levels
      • is normal in nearly half of women who present with galactorrhea
      • Galactorrhea in the absence of hyperprolactinemia is usually not the result of any ongoing disease process.
    • cytological assessment of nipple fluid or nipple scrapings
      • has limited accuracy and should only be performed selectively in women with spontaneous bloodstained single duct discharge. 
      • In this group, the finding of malignant cells is highly specific for underlying malignancy
    • mammography
    • Subareolar ultrasound
    • ductography/galactography
      • may be helpful
      • not widely available and may be painful for the patient
    • breast MRI
      • sensitivity for malignancy 77%
      • specificity for malignancy 62 %,
  • Management
    • the risk of carcinoma, despite being low cannot be eliminated without surgical duct excision and histologic confirmation.
    • Thus, duct excision in all patients with pathologic nipple discharge has been widely recommended
    • in a broader population of women with nipple discharge, the rate of underlying carcinoma was found to be only 3%


  • Prolactin is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain
  • main function = assist in development of breast tissue and facilitation of lactation. 
  • Hyperprolactinemia is a frequently encountered endocrine condition. 
  • occur in about in 1 in 200 individuals and is much more common in women
  • Among women with menstrual irregularities and fertility concerns, hyperprolactinemia occurs even more commonly – in up to 10 % of individuals
  •  1 in 2,000 individuals have a prolactin producing tumor/prolactinoma – most common in women in the age group 25-35.
  • SSRIs account for up to 95% of medication causes
  • Symptoms of elevated prolactin in women may include:
    • Irregular menstrual cycles  (short luteal phase)
    • No menstrual cycles (amenorrhea)  
    • Low energy
    • Infertility
    • Decreased libido
    • Breast enlargement
    • Breast milk production (galactorrhea) in non-pregnant individuals
    • Weight gain
    • Hot flushes
    • Vaginal dryness 
    • Low muscle mass
    • Decreased bone density 
    • Headaches, nausea, vomiting
    • Vision problems
  • Symptoms of elevated prolactin in men may include:
    • Decreased bone density (osteopenia)
    • Infertility
    • Low sperm counts
    • Decreased libido
    • Erectile dysfunction  
    • Weight gain
    • Low energy
    • Low muscle mass
    • Decreased body hair
    • Headaches, nausea, vomiting
    • Vision problems
    • Breast enlargement (gynecomastia)
    • Breast milk production (galactorrhea) 

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