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Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State / HONK


  • Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (HHS) = Hyperosmotic Hyperglycaemic Syndrome (HHS)
  • three times less frequent than DKA
  • deaths often due to co-morbid conditions (MI)
  • higher mortality rate than DKA
  • part of a continuum with DKA, with insulin resistance predominant over insulin deficiency


  • acute stressor/triggers:
    • infection – half of patients (common sources include pneumonia, urinary tract)
    • Pancreatitis, trauma, heat exposure
    • MI
    • Insulin nonadherence or inadequate dosing
    • Surgery
    • Medication changes (glucocorticoid, thiazides, phenytoin, beta-blockers, anti-calcineurin immunosuppressives, HIV protease inhibitors, antipsychotics)
  • increases levels of cortisol and catecholamines –>
    • decreased insulin sensitivity
    • decreased insulin
  • -> decreased glucose utilisation in skeletal muscle, increased fat and muscle breakdown
  • has enough insulin to prevent ketoacidosis/ketone production
  • but not enough insulin to control hyperglycemia
  • increased hepatic gluconeogenesis
  • increase in glucagon, cortisol, catecholamines
  • increased BSL
  • glycosuria + osmotic diuresis –> loss of water
  • Patients fail to compensate adequately for water loss by increasing oral water intake (e.g., due to baseline debility, bed-bound status, or a relatively insensitive central drive to maintain normal tonicity).
  • Over a period of several days, uncontrolled water loss leads to a hypertonic state. This may lead to altered mental status (which exacerbates the patient’s inability to drink an adequate amount of water)


  • polydipsia
  • polyuria
  • weight loss
  • weakness
  • slow onset
  • progressive dehydration
  • coma
  • causes: MI, infection, diuretics, CVA, PE


  • elderly
  • type II DM
  • mental obtundation/dementia
  • physical impairment limiting access to H2O
  • renal dysfunction
  • inappropriate diuretic use
  • steroids
  • beta-blockers
  • phenytoin


  • CVS – tachycardia, decreased skin turgor, sunken eyes, dry mouth
  • RESP – tachypnoea
  • CNS – drowsy, delirium, coma, focal or generalised seizures, visual changes, hemiparesis


  • very high osmolarity (> 320mosmol/kg)
  • very high glucose
  • little or no ketonuria (beta-hydroxybutyrate)
  • hyponatraemia (or pseudohyponatraemia -> hyperglycaemia draws water out of cells) or hypernatraemia
  • hypokalaemia
  • hypomagnesaemia
  • ABG:
    • pH normally > 7.3 (metabolic acidosis is not severe)
    • normal anion gap
  • Beta-hydroxybutyrate level (most precise way to quantify the presence and severity of ketoacidosis)
  • normal level of ketones
  • renal dysfunction commonly present

Diagnostic Criteria

  • serum osmolarity > 320mosmol/L
  • serum glucose > 33mmol/L
  • profound dehydration (elevated urea:creatinine ratio)
  • no ketoacidosis

Investigations for cause

  • CXR: chest infection
  • compliance with medication
  • ECG + TNT: MI
  • FBC
  • CRP
  • blood cultures
  • urine


  • HHS is a deranged state which develops gradually over days to weeks.
  • However, these patients generally adapt to their new state and often tolerate it relatively well.
  • As a general rule of thumb, if an abnormal state develops gradually then it may be treated gradually.
  • The primary risk of treating HHS is overly aggressive therapy, which may cause dangerous swings in electrolyte levels and osmolality.
  • When in doubt, the safest approach to HHS is generally to correct abnormalities slowly.
  • Goals
    • correct dehydration (often 6-9 L of H2O loss)
    • provide insulin
    • replace electrolytes
    • correct metabolic acidosis


  • A – may require intubation if coma and not protecting airway
  • B – mechanical ventilation can minimise WOB and manage possible metabolic acidosis
  • C – resuscitate with isotonic fluid until patient has a normal heart rate and BP (see below for H2O replacement) or can use colloids.


  • Calculate corrected Na+
    • if hypernatraemic, the corrected Na+ = measured Na+ + glucose/3
    • monitor this as Na+ changes for glucose
  • Calculate H2O deficit
    • H2O deficit = 0.6 x premorbid weight x (1 – 140/corrected Na+)
  • Fluid management in first 24 hours
    • maintenance as D5W at standard rate
    • if hypernatraemic: replace half the H2O deficit over 24 hours using ½ normal saline.
  • Monitor Na+ closely – should not change more than 10mmol in 24 hours
  • Replace other electrolytes as required
    • K+ (often require aggressive replacement – 10-20mmol/hr, make sure not anuric)
    • Mg2+ – Magnesium should be aggressively repleted.magnesium level on the high end will tend to prevent Torsade de Pointes if the potassium level falls.
    • PO4 – Phosphate should be repleted as necessary
    • Ca2+
  • Fluid management in second 24 hours
    • when glucose < 15mmol/L -> use D5W @ 100-250mL/hr AND saline
    • keep Na+ between 140-150mmol/L
    • the metabolic acidosis rarely requires specific treatment as responds to volume expansion and insulin therapy.
  • General
    • insulin at 0.05 U/kg/h
    • do not allow blood glucose to drop by more than 3 mmol/L/h
    • once glucose <15mmol/L and corrected Na+ 10% dextrose
    • thromboprophylaxis (SCD’s, clexane, TEDS) -> high risk of VTE
    • diagnose cause and treat: infection, compliance, MI, CVA
  • Complication Management
    • delirium -> coma
    • cerebral oedema (prevent by resuscitation with isotonic fluid and slow correction of glucose)
    • seizures (focal and generalized)
    • severe dehydration and shock
    • renal failure
    • thrombotic complications: VTE, stroke, AMI
    • intercurrent events: sepsis, MI, aspiration
    • occlusive events: focal CNS signs, chorea, DIC, leg ischaemia, rhabdomyolysis
    • fluid overload and congestive heart failure
    • metabolic derangement: hypokalaemia, hypophosphataemia, hypomagnesaemia, hypoglycaemia, hyperchloraemia with NAGMA

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