Chronic suppurative otitis media
- Infected middle ear
- perforated TM
- discharge at least 6 weeks
- Can lead to intracranial infection, acute mastoiditis
- Topical Abx alone
- Ciprofloxacin 0.3% % drops 12hrly
- 2-4 times a day after dry mopping or syringing
- Continue until ear dry for at least 3 days
- Advise to keep ear as dry as possible
- Avoid aminoglycoside – auditory + vestibular toxicity
- Ciprofloxacin 0.3% % drops 12hrly
- Education for AOM with perforation –
- Show families/caregivers:
- How to clean/dry mop the ears with correctly prepared tissue spears
- How to maximise effects of ear drops by ‘tragal pumping’
- Tell the families/caregivers that:
- Their child needs the medications as prescribed to prevent CSOM
- About the likelihood of temporary hearing loss
- It is important to go to the health centre if they have concerns about language development.
- Show families/caregivers:
- Persistent CSOM = after 4 months of treatment
- Add oral trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole dose (8 mg / kg 2 times a day for 6-12 weeks) if perforation size becomes too small for drops
- Consider hospital admission for IV or IM treatment
- Review weekly
- Refer for ENT assessment
- Refer for a hearing assessment