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Refugee health

Migration History

  • Country of birth, countries of transit, and any time in detention centers
  • Current visa status

Full Medical History

  • Current health concerns
  • Past medical history, family history, medications, allergies
  • Screening tests and vaccinations completed pre-migration

History of or Contact with:

  • Tuberculosis (TB), malaria, parasitic infections
  • Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), hepatitis C Virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Respiratory symptoms
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Systemic/localizing symptoms

Immunization History Including:

  • Written documentation pre and post arrival
  • Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) scar
  • Natural infection such as HBV and varicella
  • Previous vaccine reactions

Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and Issues Such As:

  • Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Thyroid
  • Injuries, accidents, and hospitalizations
  • Hearing, vision, and dental problems
  • Other disabilities and adaptive function problems

Lifestyle/Risk Factors Including:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol intake
  • Substance use (including substances common in certain areas e.g. betel nut, sheesha, khat)
  • Risk factors for low vitamin D
  • Nutrition (food access, current nutritional status)

Current Concerns

  • Specific patient groups and health concerns
    • Child/adolescent health
      • Growth
      • Development
      • Education history
      • Perinatal and postnatal history
    • Women’s health
      • Past and current pregnancies/births
      • Contraception
      • Breastfeeding
      • Cervical and breast screening
      • Female circumcision/traditional cutting
      • Intimate partner violence
    • Sexual health (men, women, and adolescents)
      • Risk factors for acquiring an STI
      • Contraception

Developmental History in Children and Adolescents

  • Growth
  • Development
  • Education history
  • Perinatal and postnatal history

Psychosocial History

  • Family and household composition (i.e., support network and safety in the home)
  • Settlement stressors
    • Supports in Australia
    • Housing difficulties
    • Finances and current studies
    • Separation from significant family members
    • Relationships/family functioning
    • Past education
    • Occupation
    • Time spent in immigration detention


  • Observe appearance, affect, and behavior
  • Sleep, appetite, energy, mood, anxiety symptoms, memory, concentration
  • For children/adolescents: behavior, schooling, nightmares, and enuresis (bed wetting)
  • Generally, not advisable to ask directly about a person’s experience of torture or other traumatic events; however, the potential impacts on psychological health should be assessed
  • Suicide risk assessment

Physical Examination

  • Skin conditions, including hair and nails, BCG scar
  • Fever (exclude malaria)
  • Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) and dental examination (look particularly for middle ear disease and dental caries)
  • Blood pressure (BP)
  • Body mass index (BMI), nutritional status – weight, height, waist/hip ratio (adults), head circumference (children)
  • Pallor/murmur as a sign of anemia (consider causes such as iron, B12, and folate deficiencies and lead toxicity among other causes)
  • Signs of other micronutrient deficiencies
    • Dry eyes (vitamin A)
    • Skin (zinc, vitamin C, other)
    • Gums (vitamin C)
    • Lips/tongue (B-group vitamins, including B12)
    • Hair/nails (zinc, other)
    • Goiter (iodine)
    • Teeth/rickets (vitamin D)
  • Cervical, axillary, and inguinal lymphadenopathy (consider TB and HIV)
  • Cardiorespiratory exam (consider TB, COPD, murmurs, CVD)
  • Hepatosplenomegaly (consider chronic malaria, chronic liver disease including HBV, schistosomiasis, TB, HIV)
  • Evidence of torture or other injuries
  • Neurology (consider gait, tone, power, reflexes, and coordination)
  • Visual acuity (all ages; for African people >40 years and others >50 years, refer to optometry for a glaucoma check)


  • Necessary investigations based on history and physical examination findings

Practice Tips

  • The ‘Health assessment for refugees and other humanitarian entrants’ is funded up to 1 year post arrival or visa grant date through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) (Items 701, 703, 705, and 707). The assessment can be completed over a number of consults.
  • Explain that the health assessment and investigations are simply to ensure good health and will have no negative consequences for visa status.
  • Free translation of personal documents including medical documents and qualifications is available. The Free Translating Service provides translation into English of medical reports or vaccination certificates (in the form of an extract or summary) within the first 2 years of a patient’s eligible visa grant date.


Hepatitis B Serology (HBsAg, HBsAb, HBcAb)`Write Query chronic hepatitis B?’ on the pathology request slip to meet MBS requirements
Hepatitis C Ab, and HCV RNA if HCV Ab positive
Strongyloides stercoralis serology
HIV serology*≥15 years (Also part of IME for age >15 years)
<15 years if unaccompanied/separated minor or clinical concerns
Latent TB screening with TST (Mantoux test) or IGRA (e.g. Quantiferon Gold)Offer test with intention to treat ≤35 years; if >35 years testing depends on risk factors and local jurisdiction. Check Medicare for IGRA rebates, TST preferred in children <5 years
Varicella serology≥14 years old if no known history of disease
Rubella IgGWomen of child-bearing age
Fasting glucose and or HbA1c**Consider risk in patients ≥35 years if high-risk ethnicity (Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, Southern European, North or Sub-Saharan African) and/or overweight and other risk factors
Use Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool
Fasting lipids**Consider risk in patients ≥35 years from CVD high-prevalence countries (South-East Asia and Southern Europe) and/or with risk factors such as obesity, hypertension or other risk factors
Use CVD Risk Calculator
FerritinAll women and children; men who have risk factors
Vitamin D, also check Ca, PO4 and ALP in childrenRisk factors such as dark skin, lack of sun exposure
Write risk factors on pathology request
Vitamin B12Arrival <6 months; food insecurity; vegan; from Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran, Horn of Africa
Syphilis serologyRisk of STIs, unaccompanied or separated minor
First-pass urine or self-obtained vaginal swabs for gonorrhoea and chlamydia PCRRisk factors for STIs, or on request*
Helicobacter pylori stool antigen or breath testUpper gastrointestinal symptoms or family history of gastric cancer
Stool microscopy – OCPIf no documented pre-departure albendazole, or persisting eosinophilia after albendazole treatment
Also consider if abdominal pain, diarrhoea
Schistosoma serologyResidence in and/or travel through endemic areas
See ASID/RHeaNA country-specific screening recommendations
Malaria thick and thin films and malaria RDTTravel from/through an endemic malaria area within 3 months of arrival if asymptomatic, or within 12 months if symptoms of fever
See ASID/RHeaNA country-specific screening recommendations

*ASID/RHeaNA panel did not reach consensus on these recommendations.

Management plan and referral

  • Preventative health
  • Provide a management plan for each problem, including referrals if required
  • Commence immunisation catch-up and register all 

Management of infectious conditions

ConditionTestResultInitial management
EosinophiliaFBE*Eosinophilia >0.6 x 109/L or above reference rangeInvestigate and treat causes of eosinophilia, including intestinal parasites, Strongyloides, schistosomiasis
Hepatitis BHBsAg, HBsAb, HBcAbHBsAg positive**Arrange clinical assessment, blood tests and abdominal ultrasound
Vaccinate non-immune household contacts and sexual partnersTest for and vaccinate against hepatitis A
See ASID/RHeaNA Immunisation
StrongyloidiasisStrongyloides stercoralis serologyStrongyloides serology positive or equivocalStool microscopy for OCP
Check for eosinophilia
Treat with ivermectin 200 mcg/kg (≥15 kg) on day 1 and 14
Refer pregnant women or children <15 kg to specialist
Follow up serology at 6 and 12 months
Latent tuberculosis infectionExclude active TB infection** – if suspicion of active infection refer to TB services Ensure appropriate infection control precautions
TST or IGRAPositive TST or IGRARefer to TB services for CXR and consideration of LTBI preventative therapy with isoniazid 10 mg/kg (up to 300 mg) daily for 6–9 months
See ASID/RHeaNA Tuberculosis (TB and LTBI)
HIVHIV serologyHIV serology positive**Refer to local HIV care provider
STIFirst pass urine or self-obtained vaginal swabs for gonorrhoea and chlamydia PCR
Syphilis serology
Regardless of test resultOffer women a pregnancy test and contraception as appropriate
See ASID/RHeaNA Women’s Health
Chlamydia positive**Treat with azithromycin 1 g orally as a single dose OR doxycycline 100 mg orally 12 hourly for 7 days
Treat anorectal chlamydia with doxycycline 100 mg orally 12 hourly for 7 days or azithromycin 1 g orally as a single dose with a repeat dose a week later
Gonorrhoea positive**Take samples for gonorrhoea culture before treatment
Ceftriaxone 500 mg in 2 mL of 1% lignocaine IMI
PLUS azithromycin 1 g orally
Repeat NAAT and culture for test of cure for gonorrhoea 2 weeks after treatment
Syphilis positive**Parenteral penicillin (if not previously treated) in the context of a sexual health or ID unit
Helicobacter pyloriH pylori stool Ag or breath testAg or stool test positiveTreat as per eTG (gastrointestinal)
Follow up with repeat test at least 4 weeks after treatment
If first-line therapy is unsuccessful, refer to specialist for second-line medication
Refer to specialist for consideration for endoscopy irrespective of H pylori status if ‘red flags’ are present (e.g. anorexia, weight loss, dysphagia, gastrointestinal bleeding or abdominal mass) or if symptoms of dyspepsia and age >50 years
ConditionTestResultInitial management
Intestinal parasitesCheck for eosinophilia
If documented pre-departure albendazole therapy
• No eosinophilia and no symptoms – no investigation or treatment required
• Eosinophilia – perform stool microscopy for OCP followed by directed treatment
If no documented pre-departure albendazole therapy, depending on local resources and practices, there are two acceptable options:
1. Empiric single-dose albendazole therapy (200 mg if age >6 months and weight 6 months and weight <10 kg; 400 mg if ≥10 kg) for 3 days, except for Ascaris lumbricoides, which only requires 400 mg as a single dose (200 mg in children >6 months and <10 kg). Mebendazole is an option for some parasites
Treat Giardia lamblia with tinidazole 2 g as a single dose (50 mg/kg children, maximum 2 g) or metronidazole 2 g daily for 3 days (30 mg/kg/dose children, maximum 2 g)
SchistosomiasisSchistosoma serologySchistosomiasis serology positive or equivocalTreat with praziquantel (40 mg/kg orally, taken in one dose or divided into two doses taken 4 hours apart; no upper dose limit)
As serology does not determine parasite burden or end-organ disease, perform microscopy (urine and stool) for ova and urine dipstick for haematuria
If positive dipstick, perform end-urine microscopy for ova (ideally collected between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.)
If positive for ova on urine or stool, evaluate further for end-organ disease with ultrasound and LFTs
Seek advice from a paediatric specialist for treatment of children <5 years
MalariaMalaria thick and thin films and RDTPositive test**Unwell patients and those with P falciparum malaria should be admitted to hospital urgently
Treat in consultation with ID specialist
Children, pregnant women and people with low immunity are at particular risk
Hepatitis CHepatitis C AbAnti-Hepatitis C Ab positive**HCV RNA test – if positive, refer to a doctor accredited to treat HCV for further assessment
Test for and vaccinate against hepatitis A
See ASID/RHeaNA Immunisation

Management of non-infectious conditions

ConditionDiagnostic testResultInitial management
AnaemiaFBELow Hb (age and sex dependent)Investigate and treat causes of anaemia
Iron deficiencyFerritinFerritin <15 µg/L in adults
Check reference ranges for children
Investigate and treat causes
Treat with iron supplementation if iron <15 µg/L (or below reference range for children) and/or when clinical and haematological features indicate iron deficiency anaemia
Educate about iron-rich diet and avoid excessive dairy intake in children
Low vitamin D25-hydroxy vitamin DAlso Ca, PO4 and ALP in childrenVitamin D level <50 nmol/LTreat to restore levels to the normal range with either daily dosing or high-dose therapy, ensuring adequate calcium intake and paired with advice about sun exposure and self-management
See ASID/RHeaNA Low Vitamin D
Vitamin B12 deficiencySerum active vitamin B12 (holotranscobalamin)Serum active B12 if <35 pmol/L or below reference range in childrenTreat if <35 pmol/L or below reference range for children with oral or IM supplementation
Exclude concomitant folate deficiency
Consider Helicobacter pylori infection

further screening and management

ConditionScreening and management links
Varicella immunisation statusVaricella serology
If varicella non-immune, complete vaccination as per Australian Immunisation Handbook (exclude pregnancy)
Rubella immunisation statusRubella IgG
If rubella non-immune, complete vaccination as per Australian Immunisation Handbook (exclude pregnancy)
Other immunisationsNo routine serology required; check for written immunisation record
Catch-up vaccination as per Australian Immunisation Handbook (consider pregnancy) – so people are immunised equivalent to an Australian-born person of the same age
National Immunisation Program
ASID/RHeaNA Immunisation
South Australian Immunisation Calculator
Cervical, breast cancer screeningOffer pap testing and mammography according to RACGP recommended guidelines
RACGP breast cancer
RACGP cervical cancer
Women’s health (also consider adolescent females)Offer pregnancy screening, antenatal care or contraceptive advice as needed
Pregnancy Care Guidelines
Female circumcision/traditional cutting
National Education Toolkit for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Awareness
Bowel cancer screening
CKD screening
Offer standard preventative screening and treatment according to age and risk
Cancer Council Australia Bowel Cancer Screening
RACGP Osteoporosis
Kidney Health Australia for Health Professionals
Chronic disease risk factor managementManage chronic disease risk factors, e.g. smoking, alcohol, obesity
Refer to RACGP guidelines
Australian Dietary Guidelines includes patient resources
Physical activity guidelines
Non-communicable disease in adultsSee Table 1 for diabetes and CVD screening recommendations for people from refugee backgrounds. Refer to national guidelines for chronic disease management
Further mental health screeningManagement of psychological effects of torture or other traumatic events
ASID/RHeaNA Mental Health
Dental caries and oral health concernsRefer to public dental services
State and territory referrals
Visual impairmentVisual acuity testing
Refer to bulk billing optometry
GlaucomaAfrican descent >40 years, all others >50 years
Refer to low-cost optometrist for glaucoma screening
Hearing impairmentRefer to public audiology if concerns about hearing +/- ENT
State and territory referrals
DisabilityRefer for assessment and ongoing management if needed
NDIS Local Area Coordination
NDIS Early Childhood Intervention Partners
Developmental delay or learning concernsRefer to MCH and for paediatric assessment
RACGP Preventative activities in children and young people
Royal Children’s Hospital Immigrant Health Clinic Developmental Assessment
Family violenceRefer to RACGP Guidelines Migrant and refugee communities

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