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Cardiology Cases – KFP public report review 2016-2024 topics in exam

Key Medical Topics in Cardiology Cases

Medication Compliance and Management Post-Myocardial Infarction

  1. Woman Post-Myocardial Infarction
    • Key Areas:
      • Identifying barriers to medication compliance
      • Strategies to assist medication adherence
    • Common Errors:
      • Making assumptions based on ethnicity
      • Failing to demonstrate cultural safety in answers

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Management

  1. Requesting General Check-Up with Cardiovascular Risks
    • Key Areas:
      • Identifying additional factors increasing cardiovascular disease risk
      • Providing specific lifestyle advice
      • Commencing pharmacological management
    • Common Errors:
      • Providing physical symptoms instead of risk factors
      • Repeating information already given
      • Non-specific lifestyle advice
      • Incorrect examples of medications
  2. Lipid Management
    • Key Areas:
      • Addressing abnormal lipid profile
      • Specific lifestyle modifications
      • Pharmacological management with statins
      • Patient education on statin therapy
    • Common Errors:
      • Failure to provide specific lifestyle advice
      • Not discussing specific side effects of statins


  1. Poorly Controlled Hypertension
    • Key Areas:
      • Initial investigations and pharmacological management
      • Immediate management of hypertensive urgency
    • Common Errors:
      • Not reading medication history correctly
      • Providing non-pharmacological answers
      • Diagnostic errors and non-specific advice
  2. Resistant Hypertension
    • Key Areas:
      • Investigation and management of resistant hypertension
    • Common Errors:
      • Inadequate consideration of patient information
      • Mismanagement of hypertension

ECG Interpretation and Acute Cardiac Management

  1. Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
    • Key Areas:
      • Emergency and long-term management
    • Common Errors:
      • Focusing on non-pharmacological suggestions
  2. Acute Chest Pain Management in a Rural Setting
    • Key Areas:
      • Likely diagnosis, initial investigations, and pharmacological management
    • Common Errors:
      • Failure to address high-risk presentations adequately
  3. Pericarditis
    • Key Areas:
      • Specific ECG changes, diagnosis, and pharmacological strategies
    • Common Errors:
      • Providing non-specific ECG changes
      • Recommending inappropriate medications for patients with epilepsy
  4. ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
    • Key Areas:
      • Immediate management and secondary prevention
    • Common Errors:
      • Incomplete application of guideline-directed medical therapy
  5. Chest Pain in a Remote Setting
    • Key Areas:
      • Differential diagnosis and ECG interpretation
    • Common Errors:
      • Ignoring non-cardiac signs
      • Focusing on irrelevant history

Chronic Conditions and Cardiovascular Health

  1. Management of Chest Pain in Ischemic Heart Disease
    • Key Areas:
      • Pharmacological management
      • Consideration of social issues
    • Common Errors:
      • Overlooking social factors
      • Nonspecific vaccine recommendations
  2. Older Male with Light-Headedness, Near-Syncope, and Reduced Exercise Tolerance
    • Key Areas:
      • Differential diagnoses and initial investigations
    • Common Errors:
      • Not identifying red flag symptoms
      • Providing only cardiovascular causes
  3. Hypertension
    • Key Areas:
      • Possible causes of raised blood pressure
      • Confirmation of isolated reading versus uncontrolled BP
      • Pharmacological strategies for uncontrolled hypertension
    • Common Errors:
      • Providing pharmacological causes instead of lifestyle factors
      • Grouped answers leading to over-coding penalties
      • Non-specific pharmacological management
  4. Post-Myocardial Infarction Management
    • Key Topics:
      • Medication adjustment post-MI
      • Addressing patient concerns
    • Candidate Performance:
      • Incorrect focus on long-term unrelated medications
      • Inadequate patient education
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Focus on relevant post-MI medication adjustments
      • Specific advice tailored to patient concerns
  5. Woman Post-Myocardial Infarction
    • Key Areas:
      • Identifying barriers to medication compliance
      • Strategies to assist medication adherence
    • Common Errors:
      • Making assumptions about the patient based on ethnicity (socioeconomic status, education level, substance use)
      • Failing to demonstrate cultural safety in answers

Cardiac Failure and Atrial Fibrillation

  1. Suspected Cardiac Failure
    • Key Areas:
      • Initial management components
      • Differentiating between similar symptoms
    • Common Errors:
      • Providing general management strategies
  2. Management of Heart Failure in an Aboriginal Man
    • Key Areas:
      • Pharmacological management
      • Cultural safety in healthcare
    • Common Errors:
      • Insufficient knowledge on culturally safe practices
  3. Atrial Fibrillation
    • Key Areas:
      • ECG interpretation
      • Diagnostic investigations
      • Pharmacological management
    • Common Errors:
      • Non-specific answers
      • Inappropriate selection of investigations

Emergency Management of Cardiac Conditions

  1. Acute Chest Pain
    • Key Areas:
      • Differential diagnoses for acute shortness of breath
      • Immediate management strategies
    • Common Errors:
      • Broad, non-specific answers
  2. Digoxin Toxicity
    • Insight:
      • Identifying signs of digoxin toxicity, especially in the elderly, and the importance of appropriate diagnostic investigations
    • Strengths:
      • Diagnosis based on clinical presentation and medication history
    • Improvements:
      • Avoid assumptions not supported by clinical information and focus on targeted investigations

Other Related Cardiology Topics

  1. Post-Myocardial Infarction Management
    • Key Areas:
      • Medication adjustment
      • Addressing patient concerns
    • Common Errors:
      • Incorrect focus on long-term unrelated medications
      • Inadequate patient education
  2. Cardiovascular Health in Indigenous Populations
    • Key Areas:
      • Cardiovascular risk assessment
      • Management planning
    • Common Errors:
      • Repetition of information
      • Management plans not aligned with scenario details
  3. Infective Endocarditis
    • Insight:
      • Early detection and management of infective endocarditis are vital to prevent severe complications
      • Immediate pharmacological management is crucial
    • Strengths:
      • Good performance on diagnosis and initial investigations
    • Improvements:
      • Focus on accurate and specific immediate pharmacological interventions without defaulting to routine monitoring or non-pharmacological measures
  4. Palpitations Management in an Elderly Male
    • Key Topics Discussed:
      • Further investigations
      • Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management
    • Candidate Performance:
      • Failure to integrate case features in management plans
    • Improvement Areas:
      • Utilize all relevant case information to inform a comprehensive management plan, encompassing both pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies
  5. Cardiology – Acute Breathlessness Post-Viral Infection
    • Key Areas:
      • History elements for breathlessness diagnosis
      • Cardiovascular examination interpretation
      • Acute management strategies
    • Common Errors:
      • Focusing on specific conditions like pulmonary embolism
      • Misinterpretation of cardiovascular findings

Summary by Key Medical Topics:

Medication Compliance and Management Post-Myocardial Infarction:

  1. Woman Post-Myocardial Infarction

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Management:

  1. Requesting General Check-Up with Cardiovascular Risks
  2. Lipid Management


  1. Poorly Controlled Hypertension
  2. Resistant Hypertension

ECG Interpretation and Acute Cardiac Management:

  1. Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
  2. Acute Chest Pain Management in a Rural Setting
  3. Pericarditis
  4. ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
  5. Chest Pain in a Remote Setting

Chronic Conditions and Cardiovascular Health:

  1. Management of Chest Pain in Ischemic Heart Disease
  2. Older Male with Light-Headedness, Near-Syncope, and Reduced Exercise Tolerance
  3. Hypertension

Cardiac Failure and Atrial Fibrillation:

  1. Suspected Cardiac Failure
  2. Management of Heart Failure in an Aboriginal Man
  3. Atrial Fibrillation

Emergency Management of Cardiac Conditions:

  1. Acute Chest Pain

Other Related Cardiology Topics:

  1. Post-Myocardial Infarction Management
  2. Cardiovascular Health in Indigenous Populations
  3. Cardiology – Acute Breathlessness Post-Viral Infection

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