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Gynecology – KFP public report review 2016-2024 topics in exam

Gynecology – Menstrual and Hormonal Disorders

1. Endometriosis

  • Key Areas:
    • Relevant history for diagnosing endometriosis
    • Appropriate initial investigations for endometriosis
    • Non-pharmacological actions for opioid therapy management
  • Common Errors:
    • Misinterpreting clinical information, focusing on other diagnoses like STIs
    • Asking history already provided or irrelevant questions
    • Listing lifestyle changes instead of non-pharmacological decision-making processes for opioid prescribing

2. Female Elite Athlete with Menstrual Issues

  • Key Areas:
    • Pharmacological management of menstrual difficulties
    • Identifying adverse effects of anabolic steroid use
    • Immediate investigation for significant family cardiac history (electrocardiogram)
  • Common Errors:
    • Inappropriate treatments such as ‘Implanon’ or ‘Kyleena intrauterine device’
    • Listing adverse effects of corticosteroids instead of anabolic steroids
    • Prioritizing irrelevant screenings over necessary cardiac investigation

3. PCOS in a 17-Year-Old Girl

  • Key Areas:
    • Required diagnosis identification
    • Understanding of long-term risks associated with PCOS
    • Medication strategies for menstrual regulation
  • Strengths:
    • Correct diagnosis from the provided information and identification of long-term PCOS complications
  • Improvements Needed:
    • Consideration of contraindications in prescribing medication for menstrual regulation

4. Management of Heavy and Painful Periods

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Initial investigations
    • Differential diagnosis
    • Pharmacological management
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Insufficient knowledge on managing common gynecological conditions
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Enhance understanding of diagnostic and management strategies for menstrual disorders

5. Dysmenorrhea and Menorrhagia Management

  • Medical Heading: Gynecology
  • Key Topics:
    • Investigation strategy for abnormal menstruation
    • Management of cervical screening results
    • Contraindications for specific contraceptives
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Failure to recognize the serious complication of using combined oral contraceptive pill in a patient with absolute contraindications
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Recognize contraindications for contraceptive use, especially in smokers
    • Apply current guidelines to manage abnormal cervical screening results effectively

6. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Sexual Assault

  • Insight:
    • The complexity of managing gynecological symptoms and the critical importance of understanding and responding to sexual assault in a clinical setting
  • Strengths:
    • Identifying the need for sensitive and appropriate immediate management following assault
  • Improvements:
    • Improve knowledge of mandatory reporting obligations and patient support mechanisms

7. Heavy Vaginal Bleeding in an Adult Female

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Risk factors for serious underlying disorders
    • Appropriate investigations
    • Immediate management for re-presenting heavy bleeding
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Repetition of provided history instead of focusing on new, relevant information
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Prioritize investigation and management plans based on the evolving nature of symptoms, with a focus on urgent care for heavy bleeding

Gynecology – Screening and Preventive Care

1. Solid Organ Transplantation Requesting Cervical Cancer Screening

  • Key Areas:
    • Explanation of rationale behind the changes to the cervical screening program in 2017
    • Identifying factors in the patient’s history supporting cervical screening and self-collected samples
    • Understanding the importance of immunosuppression, early sexual debut, and patient preferences
  • Common Errors:
    • Describing the current screening program instead of the rationale for changes
    • Incorrectly stating that cervical screening is not required post-HPV vaccination
    • Misidentifying factors in history relevant for self-collected samples (e.g., personal history of STIs, family history of cervical cancer)

2. Management of Heavy Periods and Abnormal Cervical Screening

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Initial investigations for heavy periods
    • Pharmacological management
    • Interpretation of cervical screening results
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Gaps in managing heavy periods and interpreting cervical screening results
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Improve pharmacological management strategies for heavy periods
    • Understanding of cervical screening guidelines

3. Follow-Up of Abnormal Pap Smear

  • Key Topics:
    • Management of an overdue follow-up for an abnormal Pap smear result
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Struggle with practice management and follow-up protocols
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Adherence to cervical screening guidelines
    • Implementation of follow-up systems in practice

Gynecology – Pain and Infections

1. Acute Abdominal and Pelvic Pain Management

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Differential diagnoses
    • Initial investigations
    • Non-pharmacological management of dyspareunia
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Differential diagnoses not aligned with clinical features
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Provide specific, relevant differential diagnoses and initial investigations
    • Understand non-pharmacological management options for dyspareunia

2. Skin Lesion and Vulval Lump in a Young Female

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Differential diagnoses
    • Informed consent for a vaginal examination
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Lack of knowledge on differential diagnoses
    • Overlooking patient rights in informed consent
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Improve knowledge on differential diagnoses
    • Emphasize patient consent and rights

3. Acute Abdominal Pain and Pelvic Pain

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Differential diagnoses
    • Immediate investigations
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Lack of specific and relevant differential diagnoses
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Focused history taking and understanding of pregnancy-related gynecological emergencies

Gynecology – Menopause and Post-Menopausal Issues

1. Post-Menopausal Bleeding

  • Key Topics:
    • Identification and management of post-menopausal bleeding
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Inability to recognize post-menopausal status
    • Inappropriate investigation and management strategies
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Enhance understanding of guidelines for managing post-menopausal bleeding
    • Focus on targeted investigations

2. Menopausal Symptoms and Breast Cancer Risk

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Investigations
    • Pharmacological management of menopausal symptoms
    • Addressing concerns about breast cancer
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Lack of knowledge on managing menopausal symptoms
    • Addressing familial cancer concerns
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Increase knowledge on menopause management
    • Incorporate patient history and concerns into management plans

Gynecology – Pregnancy and Postpartum Issues

1. Post-Partum Mastitis and Breast Lump Investigation

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Targeted history for mastitis
    • Pharmacological management
    • Initial investigations for a breast lump
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Lacked specificity in history taking
    • Errors in articulating diagnostic value elements
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Focus on case-specific, relevant history taking and diagnostic approaches

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