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Obstetrics – KFP public report review 2016-2024 topics in exam

Obstetrics and Gynecology – Pregnancy and Postpartum Conditions

1. Management of Recurrent Miscarriage

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Underlying diagnoses
    • Initial investigations
    • Non-pharmacological advice
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Lack of current guideline knowledge for managing recurrent miscarriages
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Updated knowledge on miscarriage management
    • Incorporation of evidence-based non-pharmacological advice

2. Postpartum Fatigue and Weight Loss, Wrist Lump Management

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Differential diagnoses for postpartum symptoms
    • Initial investigations
    • Management of wrist lump
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Gaps in managing dermatological presentations and postpartum conditions
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Broaden knowledge on postpartum health issues and dermatological conditions, focusing on evidence-based management strategies

3. Management of Breast Redness in a Breastfeeding Woman

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of breast redness
    • Breastfeeding advice
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Lack of specificity in management strategies, inadequate knowledge about breastfeeding
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Provide targeted management advice for breast conditions in breastfeeding women
    • Specific breastfeeding support and education

4. Immunization Advice During Pregnancy and Postpartum Vaginal Discharge Management

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Immunization in the context of previous reactions
    • Differential diagnosis for postpartum discharge
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Gaps in immunization program knowledge
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Update knowledge on national immunization schedules
    • Manage postpartum conditions with evidence-based approaches

5. Postpartum Fatigue and Breastfeeding Advice

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Diagnosis of postpartum fatigue
    • Initial investigations
    • Breastfeeding advice for working mothers
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Overemphasis on pharmacological management for non-pharmacological scenarios
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Focus on non-pharmacological support for postpartum fatigue
    • Practical breastfeeding advice for working mothers

6. Management of Early Pregnancy and Complications

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Initial investigations for pregnancy
    • Management of vaginal bleeding
    • Differential diagnoses
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Inappropriate consideration of gestational stage in management
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Tailor management strategies to the stage of gestation and specific clinical presentation

7. Elevated Fasting Blood Glucose and Pregnancy

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Non-pharmacological management of elevated blood glucose
    • Immediate management actions after a positive pregnancy test
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Holistic patient management overlooked
    • Failure to connect past medical history with current clinical presentation
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Focus on comprehensive patient care
    • Integrate non-pharmacological management with patient’s overall health and pregnancy considerations

8. Antenatal Care and Emergency Obstetrics

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Nutritional advice during pregnancy
    • Interpretation of first trimester genetic screening tests
    • Management of severe abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding in the third trimester
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Inappropriate emphasis on pharmacological responses to nutritional advice
    • Misinterpretation of genetic screening results
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Provide specific, nutritional guidance tailored to pregnancy
    • Accurately interpret genetic screening tests
    • Appropriate emergency management for obstetric emergencies

9. Unexpected Pregnancy and Pediatric Concern in a Young Aboriginal Woman

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Investigations and advice for unexpected pregnancy
    • Assessment of a child with inward eye movements
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Incorrect advice regarding pregnancy
    • Lack of specificity in examination findings
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Provide accurate, culturally sensitive advice for pregnancy
    • Detailed examination findings for pediatric concerns

10. Fatigue and Weight Gain

  • Key Topics:
    • Diagnosis and management of fatigue and weight gain in early pregnancy
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Not considering the pregnancy context in management plans
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Pregnancy-specific diagnosis and management
    • Consider the unique physiological changes during pregnancy

11. Third-Trimester Bleeding

  • Key Topics:
    • Management of vaginal bleeding in late pregnancy
    • Newborn care
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Providing adult-focused responses for newborn issues
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Tailored management of obstetric emergencies and neonatal care

12. Pregnancy Complications

  • Key Topics:
    • Management of acute dizziness and nausea in pregnancy
    • Addressing domestic violence
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Over-answering beyond what was requested
    • Failing to adequately address the issue of domestic violence as it related to the patient’s care
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Greater specificity in history taking
    • More focused approach to identifying and managing the psychosocial aspects of patient care, especially in sensitive areas such as domestic violence

13. Medical Termination of Pregnancy

  • Key Topics:
    • Contraindications for medical termination
    • Management of retained products of conception
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Inappropriate topic selection
    • Inadequate management of complications
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Appropriate management of medical termination and its complications

14. Postpartum Concerns

  • Key Topics:
    • Infant weight gain
    • Breastfeeding issues
    • Postpartum mental health
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Inadequate initial management of breastfeeding issues
    • Failure to recognize acute mental health deterioration
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Accurate reading of questions
    • Urgent management of postpartum mental health issues

15. Breastfeeding Issues and Mastitis

  • Medical Heading: Obstetrics
  • Key Topics:
    • Breastfeeding challenges
    • Early signs of mastitis
  • Candidates Did Well On:
    • Providing initial breastfeeding support and identifying mastitis
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Being concise in management strategies without over-justification or listing multiple treatment options

16. Lower Abdominal Pain

  • Topic Discussed:
    • Differential diagnosis of right-sided lower abdominal pain in a female patient
    • Emphasis on excluding ectopic pregnancy
  • Candidates Did Well On:
    • Considering ectopic pregnancy as a differential
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Including pregnancy tests in the initial investigation list to exclude pregnancy-related conditions

17. Breast Lump Management

  • Specifics:
    • The need for a translator was often overlooked
    • Some candidates incorrectly prioritized palliative care over curative treatments based on the patient’s age
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Recognize the importance of using professional translators in patient consultations
    • Accurately assess the need for curative versus palliative care, ensuring decisions are patient-centered and informed

18. Vaginal Bleeding in Early Pregnancy

  • Medical Heading: Obstetrics
  • Key Topics:
    • Differential diagnoses for early pregnancy bleeding
    • Relevant investigations
    • Dietary advice during pregnancy
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Challenges in focusing on scenario-provided details for differential diagnosis
    • Leading to irrelevant history considerations
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Sharpen focus on clinical scenario details to guide differential diagnoses and investigation choices
    • Offer specific, evidence-based dietary advice

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