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Renal – KFP public report review 2016-2024 topics in exam

Renal Function and Chronic Kidney Disease

1. 58-Year-Old Man with Impaired Renal Function

  • Key Areas:
    • Identifying causative factors contributing to impaired renal function (type 2 diabetes, NSAIDs, comorbidities, medications)
    • Arranging appropriate investigations to confirm renal impairment and microalbuminuria
    • Adjusting medications based on renal function findings
  • Common Errors:
    • Selecting unnecessary repeat tests instead of prioritizing relevant investigations
    • Misinterpreting investigation questions, not distinguishing between initial, additional, or diagnostic tests

2. Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Key Areas:
    • Monitoring and managing deteriorating renal function
    • Adjusting medications to minimize renal impairment

3. Moderate Renal Disease

  • Topic Discussed:
    • Management of moderate renal disease resulting from previously undiagnosed hypertension
  • Candidates Did Well On:
    • Rational choice of investigations for diagnosing common conditions like hypertension and its renal effects
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Many candidates chose investigations that would not directly assist in diagnosing the underlying pathology or managing the patient’s renal disease effectively

4. Renal Disease and Anemia

  • Specifics:
    • Confusion about the type of anemia and its management
    • Some candidates suggesting irrelevant tests or failing to distinguish between immediate and long-term management strategies
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Clarify the management of anemia in the context of renal disease
    • Focus on treatments that address the underlying cause and are suitable for the patient’s overall health status

5. Microscopic Hematuria

  • Topic Discussed:
    • Investigation of microscopic hematuria discovered during a routine medical exam
  • Candidates Did Well On:
    • Outlining relevant investigations based on patient history
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Selecting age and gender-appropriate investigations
    • Avoiding unnecessary tests like PSA in young men or cystoscopy as initial steps

Nephrology – Acute and Pregnancy-Related Conditions

1. Pyelonephritis in Pregnancy

  • Insight:
    • Recognizing the seriousness of pyelonephritis in pregnancy and the necessity for immediate management, including hospital transfer
  • Strengths:
    • Identifying appropriate pharmacological management and the need for transfer to a tertiary center
  • Improvements:
    • Improve severity assessment skills to avoid underestimating the patient’s condition

2. Acute Limb Swelling and Abnormal Urinalysis in an Aboriginal Man

  • Key Topics Discussed:
    • Likely diagnosis based on swelling and urinalysis
    • Appropriate investigations
    • Non-pharmacological management for an itchy rash
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Insufficient knowledge on differential diagnosis
    • Inappropriate pharmacological focus for a non-pharmacological management question
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Accurate diagnosis and tailored investigation choices
    • Emphasis on non-pharmacological management strategies

Nephrology – Lithium and Renal Dysfunction

1. Lithium Management in Renal Dysfunction

  • Key Topics:
    • Management of lithium treatment in a patient with deteriorating renal function
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Inadequate management of renal dysfunction and hypertension in a patient on lithium
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Monitoring and adjusting lithium therapy in patients with renal changes
    • Managing comorbid conditions

General and Integrative Management

1. Progressive Fatigue and Muscle Weakness

  • Medical Heading: Neurology
  • Key Topics:
    • Identifying symptoms indicative of neurological conditions
    • Initial neurological investigation selection
    • Management of a suspicious skin lesion
  • Candidate Performance:
    • Good identification of symptoms suggestive of myasthenia gravis
    • Some confusion over specific neurological investigations needed
    • Management strategies for the skin lesion sometimes missed the mark
  • Improvement Areas:
    • Enhance knowledge on neurological investigation specifics for conditions like myasthenia gravis
    • Clarify dermatological management principles for common skin conditions

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