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2019.1 KFP – public report

1. Endocrinology

  • Case 1: Weight Gain
    • Key Topics: Diagnosis and management of unexplained weight gain, consideration of medication effects.
    • Candidate Performance: Struggled to prioritize presenting symptoms over past medical history, incorrect diagnoses.
    • Improvement Areas: Focus on symptom-based assessment and interpretation of diagnostic results.

2. Pediatrics and Psychiatry

  • Case 2: Postpartum Concerns
    • Key Topics: Infant weight gain, breastfeeding issues, postpartum mental health.
    • Candidate Performance: Inadequate initial management of breastfeeding issues, failure to recognize acute mental health deterioration.
    • Improvement Areas: Accurate reading of questions, urgent management of postpartum mental health crises.

3. Cardiology

  • Case 3: Post-Myocardial Infarction Management
    • Key Topics: Medication adjustment post-MI, addressing patient concerns.
    • Candidate Performance: Incorrect focus on long-term unrelated medications, inadequate patient education.
    • Improvement Areas: Focus on relevant post-MI medication adjustments, specific advice tailored to patient concerns.

4. Otorhinolaryngology

  • Case 4: Chronic Rhinosinusitis
    • Key Topics: Differential diagnosis for chronic rhinosinusitis.
    • Candidate Performance: Misinterpretation of symptoms for diagnoses, consideration of unlikely differentials.
    • Improvement Areas: Accurate differential diagnosis based on common presentations.

5. Obstetrics/Gynecology

  • Case 5: Medical Termination of Pregnancy
    • Key Topics: Contraindications for medical termination, management of retained products of conception.
    • Candidate Performance: Inappropriate topic selection, inadequate management of complications.
    • Improvement Areas: Appropriate management of medical termination and its complications.

6. Dermatology

  • Case 6: Photodermatitis
    • Key Topics: Differential diagnosis and management of photodermatitis, long-term sun damage management.
    • Candidate Performance: Misidentification of presentation, inadequate specific management strategies.
    • Improvement Areas: Specific management excluding sunscreen, long-term sun damage care.

7. Radiology

  • Case 7: X-ray Interpretation
    • Key Topics: Lesion description on X-ray, differential diagnosis.
    • Candidate Performance: Incorrectly provided diagnoses instead of findings, inadequate consideration of provided information.
    • Improvement Areas: Accurate X-ray findings description, relevant differential diagnoses.

8. Addiction Medicine

  • Case 8: Management of Scheduled Drug Use
    • Key Topics: History exploration for scheduled drug use, management rationalization.
    • Candidate Performance: Premature management solutions, inadequate exploration of patient history.
    • Improvement Areas: Thorough history taking, rationalizing scheduled drug management.

9. Gynecology

  • Case 9: Suspected Endometriosis
    • Key Topics: Identification and investigation of endometriosis.
    • Candidate Performance: Repetition of case stem information, selection of irrelevant investigations.
    • Improvement Areas: Specific history taking and targeted investigations for diagnosis confirmation.

10. Neurology

  • Case 10: Evolving Neurological Condition
    • Key Topics: Differential diagnosis of neurological conditions, appropriate investigations.
    • Candidate Performance: Neglect of new symptoms, focus on past musculoskeletal issues.
    • Improvement Areas: Inclusion of all symptoms in differential diagnosis, targeted neurological investigation.

11. Reproductive Medicine

  • Case 11: Male Factor Infertility
    • Key Topics: Causes of male infertility, interpretation of semen analysis.
    • Candidate Performance: Inadequate identification of history elements, inappropriate reassurances regarding fertility.
    • Improvement Areas: Detailed history to refine diagnosis, specific counseling on fertility outcomes.

12. Dermatology

  • Case 12: Acne and Facial Palsy
    • Key Topics: Management of resistant acne, identification and management of facial palsy.
    • Candidate Performance: Incorrect management choices for acne, failure to provide specific Bell’s palsy management.
    • Improvement Areas: Tailored acne treatments, immediate and specific management for facial palsy.

13. Gastroenterology

  • Case 13: Gastrointestinal Symptoms
    • Key Topics: Differential diagnoses for GI symptoms, essential history, and investigations.
    • Candidate Performance: Repeating information, irrelevant past medical history exploration.
    • Improvement Areas: Focused history taking, selection of investigations to refine diagnosis.

14. Vascular Medicine

  • Case 14: Postpartum Thrombophlebitis
    • Key Topics: Diagnosis of thrombophlebitis, impact of medical history on management.
    • Candidate Performance: Misidentification of superficial thrombophlebitis, inadequate use of case information.
    • Improvement Areas: Recognition of clinical signs, tailored management considering past history.

15. Cardiology

  • Case 15: Chest Pain in a Remote Setting
    • Key Topics: Differential diagnosis of chest pain, interpretation of ECG.
    • Candidate Performance: Ignoring non-cardiac signs, focusing on irrelevant history.
    • Improvement Areas: Broad differential diagnosis, specific management based on ECG findings.

16. Infectious Diseases

  • Case 16: Travel-Related Illness
    • Key Topics: Infectious causes of fever, joint pain, and arthritis after travel.
    • Candidate Performance: Failure to identify infectious causes, inadequate physical examination.
    • Improvement Areas: Specific infectious disease consideration, targeted physical examination findings.

17. Ophthalmology

  • Case 17: Dry and Irritated Eyes
    • Key Topics: Diagnosis of eye conditions based on clinical findings.
    • Candidate Performance: Incorrect diagnosis, overlooking relevant clinical findings.
    • Improvement Areas: Accurate eye examination, appropriate management based on diagnosis.

18. Cardiology

  • Case 18: Resistant Hypertension
    • Key Topics: Investigation and management of resistant hypertension.
    • Candidate Performance: Inadequate consideration of patient information, mismanagement of hypertension.
    • Improvement Areas: Comprehensive evaluation of causes, optimization of antihypertensive therapy.

19. Pulmonology

  • Case 19: Hemoptysis and Possible Tuberculosis
    • Key Topics: Diagnosis of TB, management including public health measures.
    • Candidate Performance: Non-specific responses, inadequate investigation selection.
    • Improvement Areas: Specific investigations for TB, immediate management with infection control.

20. Palliative Care

  • Case 20: Palliative Patient with Respiratory Symptoms
    • Key Topics: Management of dyspnea and edema in palliative care.
    • Candidate Performance: Misinterpretation of lab results, inappropriate pharmacological focus.
    • Improvement Areas: Identification of symptom causes, non-pharmacological management strategies.

21. General Medicine

  • Case 21: Fatigue in a Young Female
    • Key Topics: Differential diagnosis for fatigue, appropriate investigation selection.
    • Candidate Performance: Repetition of case information, unnecessary diagnostics.
    • Improvement Areas: Specific history for fatigue causes, judicious use of investigations.

22. Pediatrics

  • Case 22: Unwell Child
    • Key Topics: Severity assessment of pediatric illness, management planning.
    • Candidate Performance: Generally good, but some lacked specificity in management.
    • Improvement Areas: More detailed management plans, avoiding generic reassurances.

23. Endocrinology

  • Case 23: Amenorrhoea
    • Key Topics: Differential diagnosis, investigation interpretation, management of complications.
    • Candidate Performance: Inadequate focus on the question, non-pharmacological management suggestions.
    • Improvement Areas: Focused answers on differential diagnosis, specific pharmacological management.

24. Psychiatry

  • Case 24: PTSD in a Clinical Colleague
    • Key Topics: Identification and management of PTSD, addressing professional concerns.
    • Candidate Performance: Misidentification of symptoms, inadequate management strategies.
    • Improvement Areas: Comprehensive history taking, immediate and supportive management.

25. Psychiatry

  • Case 25: Mental Health Deterioration
    • Key Topics: Acute mental health management, preconceptual counseling in context of mental health.
    • Candidate Performance: Failure to recognize acute symptoms, inappropriate agency involvement.
    • Improvement Areas: Immediate mental health intervention, tailored preconceptual advice.

26. Infectious Diseases

  • Case 26: Recurrent Fevers in an Aboriginal Child
    • Key Topics: Differential diagnosis for recurrent fevers, consent issues.
    • Candidate Performance: Inappropriate diagnostic focus, misunderstanding of consent process.
    • Improvement Areas: Tailored diagnostics for recurrent fever, appropriate consent procedures.

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