Hip Exam
Figure 1. Gait testing. (A) C sign. Patients often localize pain by cupping the anterolateral hip with the thumb and forefinger in the shape of a “C.” (B) Gait analysis. The patient is observed while walking to evaluate for limp or antalgic gait characteristics. (C) Modified Trendelenburg test (single leg stance phase). The patient stands with feet shoulder width apart and lifts one leg. The examiner observes for a drop in the level of the iliac crest on the side of the lifted leg
Figure 2. Hip range-of-motion testing (photos demonstrate normal range of motion). (A) Abduction. (B) Adduction. (C) Extension. (D) Internal and external rotation.
Figure 3. FABER test (flexion, abduction, external rotation; Patrick test). The examiner moves the leg into 45 degrees of flexion, then (A) externally rotates and (B) abducts the leg so that the ankle rests proximal to the knee of the contralateral leg
Figure 4. FADIR test (flexion, adduction, internal rotation; impingement test). The examiner passively moves the leg into (A) full flexion, then into (B) adduction and internal rotation.