Shoulder Dislocation
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Shoulder Dislocation Classifications (
Definition: Separation of the humerus from the scapula at the glenohumeral joint
- Most commonly dislocated joint in the body (17/100,000 people/year)
- Young males most commonly injured
- Anterior: 97% (Rowe 1956)
- Posterior: < 3%
- Inferior: < 1% (Also known as: Luxatio Erecta Humeri)
- Anatomy
- Inherently unstable joint, relies on soft tissues for stabilization
- Only 25-30% of humeral head articulates with glenoid at any one time
- Axillary nerve wraps around surgical neck of humerus, most commonly injured nerve in dislocations of any direction
- Motor: Deltoid muscle
- Sensory: Anterolateral shoulder
- Anterior:
- Fall onto outstretched hand
- Force/blow to abducted and externally rotated +/- extended arm (ie. Blocking basketball shot)
- Posterior:
- ~50% secondary to trauma (Matsen 2007)
- 34% associated with seizures (Rouleau 2012)
- Strongest shoulder muscles (latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, subscapularis) overpower others and pull shoulder internally, posteriorly
- Most common dislocation during seizures is anterior due to associated fall
- Inferior:
Physical Examination:
- Anterior
- Arm is held in internally rotated and abducted position
- Shoulder silhouette flattened with a prominent acromion
Netter’s Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy, Second Edition
- Posterior
- Arm is fixed, internally rotated, and adducted
- Posterior shoulder prominence
- Inferior
- Fixed, abducted position
- Arm held above the head
X-Ray Imaging (All Images in Gallery Below):
- For any suspected dislocation, obtain 3 views: AP, Scapula Y, and Axillary (see Approach to Traumatic Shoulder Pain for normal X-ray anatomy)
- Anterior Dislocation
- AP View: Humeral head dislocated anteriorly and rests under the coracoid process
- Scapula Y View: Scapula Y view: humeral head displaced medially (to the right) of the scapula
- Axillary view: Humeral head displaced anteriorly in front of the coracoid process
- Posterior Dislocation
- AP: “Light bulb on a stick” – often the only sign of a posterior dislocation. The humeral head does not appear displaced from the glenoid BUT it is internally rotated and thus the contour of the humeral head appears rounded – like a light bulb
- Scapula Y: Humeral head displaced laterally (to the left) of the scapula
- Axillary: Humeral head displaced posteriorly behind the coracoid process
- Inferior Dislocation
- Luxatio Erecta: Humeral head displaced inferior to glenoid and arm/humerus fixed above head/superiorly
Shoulder Dislocation X-Rays
Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation: AP View (
Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation: Scapula Y View (
Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation: Axillary View (
Posterior Glenohumeral Dislocation: AP View (Case courtesy of Dr Henry Knipe, From the case rID: 35746)
Posterior Glenohumeral Dislocation: Scapula Y View (
Inferior Glenohumeral Dislocation: Luxatio Erecta (Case courtesy of Dr Andrew Ho, From the case rID: 22924)
Hill Sachs Lesion (
Important Additional X-Ray Findings
- Hill Sachs Lesion
- Impaction fracture of humeral head against glenoid rim
- Anterior dislocations,
- Occurs against posterolateral surface
- Incidence rate 40-90%
- As high as 100% in recurrent dislocations (Provencher 2012)
- Posterior dislocations
- Occurs against anterolateral surface (“reverse Hill Sachs lesion”)
- Incidence 86%.
- May require accentuating rotational force (internal vs external) when reducing dislocation to dislodge the lesion off glenoid rim
- Bankart Lesion
- Detachment of anterior inferior labrum from glenoid
- “Soft” – Labrum only
- “Bony” – impaction fracture involving glenoid margin
Bankart Lesion (
Management/Reduction Techniques
- Provide adequate analgesia
- The more the patient tenses his or her muscles from pain, the more difficult it will be to reduce the joint
- Consider systemic analgesia vs intraarticular local anesthetics vs both
- Procedural sedation may be required in select cases
- Complete a full neurologic and vascular assessment prior to the performance of any manipulation technique
- Anterior
- Cunningham Technique
- Physician massages the patient’s biceps muscle as the patient holds arm adducted and elbow flexed
- Patient gradually moves shoulders up and back (shoulder shrug) as tolerated
- Cunningham Technique
Stimson Maneuver
Scapular Manipulation
- Stimson technique applied
- Scapula manipulated counterclockwise: stabilized superiorly, medial force applied on inferior angle
Scapular Manipulation with Stimson (
- Gradual, smooth traction is applied to the affected arm until patient’s muscles relax or tire sufficiently to release the dislocated humeral head
- An assistant maintains counter traction to maintain patient in place
- Posterior: requires 2 operators
- Traction-Countertraction recommended for all posterior dislocations
- Sitting patient upright and applying forward traction might be useful
- Inferior
- Arm traction superiorly with gradual shoulder adduction
- Sheet wrapped around upper torso to hold patient in place
- Traction-Countertraction
- Two-Step (Youm 2014)
- Arm traction superiorly while pushing humerus laterally
- This will either reduce the shoulder entirely or convert it to anterior dislocation, which can be reduced as above
Relative Contraindications to ED Reduction:
- Associated fracture of humeral neck
- Associated nerve injury/deficit
- Suspected major vascular injury
- Chronic Dislocation
- > 48 hours
- Success rate exceedingly low
- Refer to orthopedics for surgical evaluation if initial attempts fail
Follow Up
- Immobilize in sling for 3-4 weeks (older patients 1-2 weeks to avoid joint stiffening)
- Rehab should begin with passive range of motion exercises
- Anterior dislocations: no external rotation past neutral and no abduction past 90 degrees for the first 4-6 weeks
- Posterior dislocations: no internal rotation for first 4-6 weeks.
advice to patient
- Shoulder dislocations are common injuries. There is a risk of recurrent dislocation but these are manageable.
- Sling is not required for more than 1-2 weeks.
- Commencement of a physiotherapy program in the weeks after injury will help prevent long term stiffness or vulnerability to recurrent injury.
- Provide printed information regarding injury care for shoulder dislocation
potential complications
- Older Adolescents who have a shoulder dislocation have a very high risk of recurrence (up to 90%).
- Missed fractures, such as glenoid rim fractures, portend worse prognosis if not addressed early, hence the importance of appropriate follow up.
- Injury to the brachial plexus is possible but rare. These usually occur in high energy injuries eg motor vehicle accidents.
- Injury to the axillary nerve is uncommon, though more frequent than brachial plexus injury. Most resolve with expectent management.
Take Home Points:
- Be vigilant for concomitant neurovascular injuries and always perform a full neurovascular assessment before and after reduction
- Carefully review radiographs for posterior dislocations as they may appear “normal” on first glance
- Be comfortable with multiple reduction techniques. No one approach will reduce all shoulder dislocations.
- Joint injections and systemic analgesia will facilitate reduction. Depending on patient response to initial attempts, procedural sedation may be necessary.