Brain – anatomy basics
Frontal lobe
- Personality, behavior, emotions
- Judgment, planning, problem solving
- Speech: speaking and writing (Broca’s area)
- Body movement (motor strip)
- Intelligence, concentration, self awareness
Parietal lobe
- Interprets language, words
- Sense of touch, pain, temperature (sensory strip)
- Interprets signals from vision, hearing, motor, sensory and memory
- Spatial and visual perception
Occipital lobe
- Interprets vision (color, light, movement)
Temporal lobe
- Understanding language (Wernicke’s area)
- Memory
- Hearing
- Sequencing and organization
Crainial Nerves
Number Name Function I olfactory smell II optic sight III oculomotor moves eye, pupil IV trochlear moves eye V trigeminal face sensation VI abducens moves eye VII facial moves face, salivate VIII vestibulocochlear hearing, balance IX glossopharyngeal taste, swallow X vagus heart rate, digestion XI accessory moves head XII hypoglossal moves tongue