Polymyositis (and Dermatomyositis)
- Chronic autoimmune disease. Peak incidence age 40-60; M:F = 1:2
- Where skin is involved, the condition is known as dermatomyositis.
- Main finding is a symmetrical muscle weakness and wasting involving the proximal muscles of the shoulder and pelvic girdles.
- Muscle pain and tenderness in 50%.
- Arthralgia and arthritis in 50%.
- Dysphagia in 50% due to oesophageal muscle involvement.
- Raynaulds may be present.
- In dermatomyositis, the rash is classically a heliotrope violet discolouration of the eyelids, forehead and cheeks. There may also be rash on hands and knees.
- CK is frequently elevated.
- Muscle biopsies of muscle +/- skin.
- EMG studies: shows characteristic pattern.