History |
Physical exam |
Labs |
Radiology |
RA |
Symmetric Polyarthritis (small joint involvement) Morning stiffness |
Effusive joints Tendosynovitis Nodules Bone-on-bone crepitus |
↑ ESR (50-60%) RF (80%) ↓Hb, ↑ platelets, ↓ wbc |
Demineralisation Joint space narrowing Erosions of subchondral bone Absence of bone repair |
Multisystem disease – rash, photosensitivity, Raynaud’s, alopecia, cardiac/pulmonary serositis, CNS symptoms, glomerulonephritis |
Confirm historical findings Typically small joints +/- effusive joints (look for soft tissue swelling) |
↑ESR ↓Hb (autoimmune), ↓ platelets, ↓ wbc ANA (95%) ↑C3,C4 |
Generally non-destructive/non-erosive +/- osteoporosis +/- soft tissue swelling |
Scleroderma |
Raynaud’s, stiffness of fingers, skin tightness, heartburn/dysphagia |
Skin tightness on dorsum of hand, facial skin, telangiectasia, calcinosis, non-effusive joint |
↑ESR ↑ platelets, ↓ Hb, normal wbc ANA (>90%) |
+/- pulmonary fibrosis +/- oesophageal dysmotility +/- Calcinosis |
Dermatomyositis |
Heliotrope rash (eye lids), Gottron’s papules, macular erythema & poikiloderma (shoulders, neck, chest), proximal muscle weakness, +/- pain |
Rash, proximal muscle weakness |
↑ ESR Normal platelets, ↓ Hb, normal wbc CPK ↑ (80%) ANA (30%) |
+/- Oesophageal dysmotility +/- interstitial lung disease |